Posted on 12 July 2013, 22:51 by:
ntwst Score
Base +8, Shades of Blue -6, Sessha +5, Vivi239 +7, nerpderp +5, JonahTHD -9, cryocasm +8, Tenchi Ryu -8, vmlwhxbh +6, twinshk3 +6, thehunter -6, Canis_Crazy +6, Moonlight Rambler +15, and 1 more...
Base +2, Vivi239 +7, Canis_Crazy +6, baneonplane +9
Base +11, Shades of Blue +6, zanky +9, Vivi239 -7, JonahTHD +9, Demoni +10, firecat666 +15, myloginidhere -6, skidkid +6
Posted on 15 July 2013, 01:52 by:
C h a n Score
Base +7, vmlwhxbh +6, myloginidhere -6
Posted on 15 July 2013, 02:04 by:
Cakman Score
Base +9, vmlwhxbh +6, shedinja292 +6, Canis_Crazy +6, Moonlight Rambler +15