Base +5, shonya6 +6, 20200 +27, vincenth93 +7, Peshrz +7, vitono +8, drop it +5, helgar +9, Atmoz +6, NavySpheal +5, predator11 +9, Zaolao +8, mootxico +3, and 40 more...
Base +9, Zaolao +8, mootxico +3, ZDU +8, SightlierGravy +7, Galactic Guardian +6, blueaoibloo +6, Unreal 434 +6
Posted on 12 July 2013, 23:33 by:
EdoubleT Score
Base +10, Zaolao +8, mootxico +3, Elementxj +6, minin7 +9, ZDU +8, davale007 +7, Anony12788 +12, blueaoibloo +6
Base +7, mootxico +3, darkzero9090 +3, Anony12788 +12, Asura` +9
Base +7, mootxico +3, Arrys +15, kaylie -8, JukanX +19, Asura` -9
Posted on 13 July 2013, 02:26 by:
kite722 Score
Base +9, mootxico +3, Romi the Byzantine +7, saduj +8, Grey Kitsune -9, sandyface -11, Asura` +9, NotZed +4, blueaoibloo -6
Base +8, Anony12788 +12, mootxico +3, Grey Kitsune +9, Creepermartin +1
Base +6, mickl3 +9, mootxico +3, GelOKS +7, Shekkey +7, Romi the Byzantine +7, yadua +4, IvanZ +6, JTPM +2, Mitsutsubo +10, keeskt +7, rising11 +7, k1bell +9, and 29 more...
Base +10, mootxico +3, rising11 +7, JukanX +19, liberius +8, Dushmanster +8, Anony12788 +12, Lirion +10, Tufao +4, somercet +5, Ooe Kintarou +7
Base +7, Romi the Byzantine +7, mootxico +3, kaylie +8, JukanX +19, liberius +8, ZDU +8, kikimaru024 +12, davale007 +7, backslash +8, rainorh +8, zethrindor +9, will69 +9, and 15 more...
Posted on 13 July 2013, 13:20 by:
Flammz Score
Base +7, mootxico +3, JukanX +19, Anony12788 +12, Asura` +9, Ooe Kintarou +7, Galactic Guardian +6
Posted on 13 July 2013, 16:59 by:
Palaxius Score
Base +18, Asura` +9, somercet +5
Base +8, JukanX +19, ZDU +8, mootxico +3, davale007 +7, Anony12788 +12, Romi the Byzantine +7, wertweet +10, Sebos +7, wanna +20, somercet +5, Ooe Kintarou +7, qwiql +6
Posted on 14 July 2013, 21:11 by:
piyin Score
Base +20, Asura` -9
Base +15, Asura` +9, Katsuragi_Hinagiku +7
Posted on 08 August 2013, 02:19 by:
Ulpa Score
Base +9, Romi the Byzantine +6
Base +8, Romi the Byzantine +7
Posted on 18 February 2014, 15:18 by:
sgthale Score
Base +9, anonywhat -2