Base +7, yellow-chan +4, hacklol +4, twentyboners +6, lesate +5, Hyoros -8, warellis +7
Base +12, yellow-chan +4, Mr.Pencil +7, hacklol +4, lesate +5, Anime Janai +11, BlueSmoke +3
Posted on 13 July 2013, 19:27 by:
2Hip Score
Base +9, yellow-chan +4, Olrox46 +9, yoyo546 +20, Mr.Pencil +7, KaTIOWa +6, Centro +5, Stahl +3, hacklol +4, rising11 +7, Yossarian762 +8, Crimsoncharcoal +7, frontsex +11, and 8 more...
Posted on 13 July 2013, 19:37 by:
mtm2010 Score
Base +10, yellow-chan +4, Huoratron +9, c0py +8, Supermamado +9, AloofSloth -9, yoyo546 +20, Mr.Pencil +7, KaTIOWa +6, panda_box +6, Kiranta +8, Centro +5, asdeker +9, and 56 more...
Base +7, yellow-chan +4, KaTIOWa +6, hacklol +4, twentyboners +6, lesate +5, BlueSmoke +3
Base +8, Kiranta +8, AloofSloth +9, Captian Katsura -6, Zero Angel +36, nighthero7 +11, frontsex +11, koty10 +4, Paizurikin +7, CX~DeribuRa +14, ItsDomo +6, lesate +5, Patcheresu +6, and 5 more...
Posted on 13 July 2013, 21:37 by:
anymon Score
Base +10, Olrox46 -9, Xavier Blitz -7, liberius +8, Guestoid +9, darklagato +8, Caoslegion +5, opem +7, Zeloso +9, vapor +10, polkmn +7, p187 +9, AloofSloth -9, and 231 more...
Posted on 13 July 2013, 22:34 by:
eibhlin Score
Base +10, PhillyPhanatic +8, mccarthyism +9, vastolordzen +6, AloofSloth +9, yoyo546 +20, WhatEver99999 +8, KaTIOWa +6, panda_box +6, Kiranta +8, Huoratron +9, Maledictvm +14, asdeker +9, and 100 more...
Base +7, Centro +5, 25toLife +13, cromartiefan +6, ilovethishit +4, asdfmovies +7, hacklol +4, bighue +3, rawrdood +9, rising11 +7, alveus223 +9, Saiori +11, XGas +9, and 40 more...
Posted on 14 July 2013, 06:34 by:
seabassd Score
Base +6, Kiranta +8, Huoratron +9, Centro +5, Kyu-kun +5, asdeker +9, Tamaki-Kousaka +10, ilovethishit +4, hacklol +4, elementalmaster +9, rawrdood +9, rising11 +7, kl2991 +5, and 50 more...
Posted on 14 July 2013, 08:49 by:
Neklin Score
Base +9, AloofSloth -9, hacklol +4, asdeker +9, Dark Mac -15, nighthero7 +11, twentyboners +6, lesate -5, Entaih -8
Base +6, asdeker +9, Zero225 +9, john34404 +7, lesate +5, Undeadcynic97 +4, Supermamado -12, silentspring +8
Posted on 15 July 2013, 18:13 by:
kaylie Score
Base +8, Xaldin007 +8, twentyboners +6, john34404 +7, lesate +5
Posted on 19 July 2013, 08:12 by:
memnarch Score
Base +11, Captian Katsura +6, asdeker +9, thesatellizer +1, Crimsoncharcoal +7, Zero Angel +36, Zero225 +9, frontsex +11, Victor DoUrden +8, Shinter +6, Silver_Kirin +6, stglopnr +4, thor256 +6, and 24 more...
Base +10, Captian Katsura +6, Sat0shi +6, asdeker +9, Crimsoncharcoal +7, SpacePegasus +6, tyguy +8, Zero Angel +36, Zero225 +9, frontsex +11, Rengaku +10, Shinter +6, Silver_Kirin +6, and 31 more...
Posted on 21 July 2013, 13:39 by:
Redlar Score
Base +7, twentyboners +6, Maximum_Joe -39, Denjiro +8, Hayate.sp -10, reallycoolname -5, lesate +5, Palaxius +33, Supermamado -12, letoplel -10, WhiteGumDrinker -6, Denkirk -13, Vensuu -6
Posted on 25 August 2013, 12:24 by:
Trips Score
Base +14, twentyboners +6, Nekohunter33 +4, Silver_Kirin +6, eset02 +7, ChipSaku +7, Orionid -5, ItsDomo +6, Trucidation +7, RogueTimelord +5, funk doctor spock +3, Askhandar +6, lesate +5, and 5 more...
Base +4, Toastkoro +7, warellis +4, Xsidius +6, pond39267 +6, awesomeo369 +5, Trucidation +7, RogueTimelord +5, gtamatte +6, onlyregistere +14, lesate +5, SdKfzzz +7, BlueSmoke +3, and 21 more...
Posted on 16 April 2015, 05:26 by:
arkot Score
Base +8, lesate +5, JohnyXD -11, Vensuu -6
Base +13, lesate +5, BlueSmoke +3, letoplel +10, jlain +6, silentspring +8
Base +6, Snesruler +7, Supermamado -12, letoplel -10, JohnyXD -11, hkk93 -7, Vensuu -6
Posted on 05 March 2016, 08:17 by:
jobriz Score
Base +6, dragonkid365 +6, Snesruler +7, MARC0 +6, Bronet -6, AsukaBestGirl +5, limpdickshit -7, nolol111 -6, wiltedweed7 +3, alizzer +5, darkspirit +6, advanceboy +6, letoplel -10, and 11 more...
Posted on 05 March 2016, 08:38 by:
Base +4, dragonkid365 -6, Snesruler +7, captain_evaa +5, Bronet +6, snake023 +3, herratica +6, MARC0 +6, Wootztle +7, limpdickshit -7, semenstained +4, nolol111 -6, Akanezuliani +6, and 66 more...
Posted on 05 March 2016, 08:39 by:
Leldude Score
Base +6, dragonkid365 -6, Snesruler +7, captain_evaa +5, Bronet +6, snake023 +3, herratica +6, Burusera +8, MARC0 +6, AsukaBestGirl +5, limpdickshit -7, semenstained +4, nolol111 -6, and 46 more...
Posted on 06 March 2016, 02:38 by:
linkey10 Score
Base +2, Bronet -6, AsukaBestGirl -5, limpdickshit +7, nolol111 -6, Ryo75 -12, Draggot -6, wiltedweed7 -3, Majestic_Fantastic +6, MARC0 -6, Eight8it -6, minoru09 -6, Supermamado -12, and 2 more...
Base +6, Bronet +6, AsukaBestGirl +5, limpdickshit -7, nolol111 -6, Dagoth Gares -4, Ryo75 -12, oxai +11, wiltedweed7 +3, YabgFy +3, alizzer +5, Supermamado -12, darkspirit -6, and 11 more...
Base +9, limpdickshit -7, nolol111 -6, Ryo75 -12, Draggot -6, wiltedweed7 +3, minoru09 -6, letoplel -10, RVulcan +6, Hilarity +6, Dracul IV -6, JohnyXD -11, Vensuu -6
Last edited on 09 March 2016, 02:44.
Base +5, limpdickshit -7, nolol111 -6, Bronet -6, Mauser -17, Dagoth Gares +4, Ryo75 -12, pingasforce +6, YabgFy +3, Draggot -6, wiltedweed7 +3, dragonkid365 -6, Jesta17 -6, and 2 more...
Base +8, towermice +6, guerillagorilla +5, DrKunze +8, YabgFy +3, wiltedweed7 +3, narc123 +6, Funyaa +6, MARC0 +6, alizzer +5, Supermamado -12, Coconoloco +6, lostseraph7 +6, and 23 more...
Base +5, guerillagorilla +5, YabgFy +3, wiltedweed7 +3, Ranster +6, narc123 +6, MARC0 +6, oxai +11, Bronet +6, alizzer +5, Coconoloco +6, dragonkid365 -6, Snesruler +7, and 21 more...
Base +6, MARC0 +6, alizzer +5, Coconoloco +6, dragonkid365 -6, Snesruler +7, Jesta17 +6, Piyokopyo +6, letoplel -10, jlain +6, Morbidxrabs +6, lfjnvkgesv +6, Joku23 +8, and 10 more...
Posted on 01 April 2016, 09:06 by:
rewdalf Score
Base +7, MARC0 +6, Bronet +6, alizzer +5, Supermamado -12, Coconoloco +6, dragonkid365 -6, lostseraph7 +6, Jesta17 -6, Azurtan +7, Piyokopyo +6, letoplel -10, Tyranogre +6, and 42 more...
Base +8, jlain +6, Morbidxrabs +6, silentspring +8
Posted on 22 April 2016, 06:05 by:
Amauri14 Score
Base +6, worldendDominator2 +11, jlain +6, Morbidxrabs +6, Undeadcynic97 +7, silentspring +8, Dracul IV +6
Base +6, letoplel -10, TK162 +8, Morbidxrabs +6, Edtome +7, silentspring +8, WhiteGumDrinker +6, speedingAndroid +8, Vensuu -6
Posted on 17 September 2016, 14:06 by:
kaerFlanA Score
Base +5, silentspring +8
Base +3, Hauss +6, Bookman12 +6, pingasforce +6, Bronet +6, silentspring +8, Hilarity +6, nyp9IA -13, Junior_durkin +5, CaptainCatfish +6, WhiteGumDrinker +6, blacklupe1 +6, LoneDeseperado +6, and 5 more...
Posted on 30 December 2016, 01:54 by:
Greyvan Score
Base +6
Posted on 11 June 2017, 03:31 by:
4M4M Score
Base +8, silentspring +8, spahctab +6
Base +6, bubblabox +5, spahctab +6, Junior_durkin +5, WhiteGumDrinker +6, tumamentanga +6, Vensuu -6, TobleroneFF +14
Posted on 29 January 2018, 21:24 by:
grgspunk Score
Base +7, WhiteGumDrinker +6, mlker -6, blacklupe1 +6, hkk93 -7, JohnyXD -11, Vensuu -6, KriegPanzer -6
Posted on 01 October 2020, 10:31 by:
toasty56 Score
Base +6, Genoard +6, Vensuu -6, aerd +20, TobleroneFF +14, Welp55 +7, Steak Puncher +6, tumamentanga +6