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[Dowman Sayman] Island [English]

Zuan  PM
Posted:2013-07-18 08:57
Language:English  TR
File Size:5.46 MiB
Length:16 pages
Favorited:247 times
Average: 4.62

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Posted on 18 July 2013, 08:57 by:   Zuan    PM
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Posted on 18 July 2013, 09:04 by:   DmonHiro    PM
Score +46
OK... so I'm just not smart enough to get it... WHAT HAPPENED?!!!
Posted on 18 July 2013, 09:29 by:   Scantraxx    PM
Score +729
Yeah... MIND = BLOWN

So confused.

EDIT: Nevermind I think I get it now..

MY INTERPRETATION: 6 people got stranded on an island after a plane crash, Kakuta, Fukuyama, Inoue, Sasaki, Sugihara, and the girl. Kakuta and Fukuyama had already disappeared so the only ones left were Sasaki, Inoue, Sugihara, and the girl. Sasaki dissapears after suggesting going into the Thicket, leaving only 3. The 3 can't get food without Sasaki, so Sugihara and Inoue decide to go into the thicket. The both get lost in the thicket. We then see what looks like Sugihara's dream of the night they got stranded on the island. It clearly says "Just five people" survived, but when you count everyone so far.. there are 6, which means one of them must have already been on the island when the plane crashed. Sugihara wakes up on the beach with the girl by his side. She tells him Inoue dissapeared. This is where it gets interesting. The girl points out that "Sasaki, who touched me", "Inoue who forced me to swallow" , and "Kakuta and Fukuyama who had their way with me" dissapeared. This makes me think SHE is the one who made them dissapear. She might have only left Sugihara alone because she actually liked him. Aaaaand they live happily ever after.

That is just what I think is going on, not sure if that is what really happened.
Posted on 18 July 2013, 09:06 by:   glib24    PM
Score +734
I'm pretty sure she killed the other guys. And that's not "dolphin".
Posted on 18 July 2013, 09:14 by:   Brad33    PM
Score -51
lol! it was definitely fun this manga!
i wonder how is it that they make comments that show 10+ points and more and my comment is only 1 point, i have to find out how that happens!lol!
Posted on 18 July 2013, 09:14 by:   hacklol    PM
Score +41
Posted on 18 July 2013, 09:21 by:   Darkness Despair Destruction    PM
Score +70
So she killed them all, huh? Anyways, it was a great read. thumbs up!
Posted on 18 July 2013, 10:53 by:   lumur0505    PM
Score +37
Ah confusing and cryptic as ever. Anyhoo I wonder if there was only "five" people and it was Sugihara that got molested. Then he decent into insanity killing everyone and thinking there was a girl there all the time when actually he was all alone.
Posted on 18 July 2013, 11:55 by:   saddasads    PM
Score +12
We "Lost" now
Looks like Inoue was the extra person (?) living on the island before they crashed
But I wonder why she was so nervous about them going into thicket? Is she keeps dead bodies there, her village, her home or what?
And why it's said allegory for adult people? version with extra person sounds too easy and not allegoric
I wonder what boat represents. Future life goals maybe and girl what keeps you from achieving them?
Posted on 18 July 2013, 11:55 by:   ftff5log    PM
Score +70
She is a ghost/oni/spirit

Several references to "forbidden land", and on page 14, you do not see a female outline among the survivors. It seems like they are in a twilight zone sort of situation, where everytime he sees a boat, she blocks his vision of it somehow. And yeh she got the others and then they ate them.
Posted on 18 July 2013, 12:18 by:   Arutima    PM
Score +19
She's a ghost / spirit / youkai that made all the others disappear.
Posted on 18 July 2013, 13:25 by:   Brutalyte616    PM
Score +33
Why do I get the feeling the girl is from Hinamizawa?
Posted on 18 July 2013, 14:28 by:   Rail+S    PM
Score +19
Posted on 18 July 2013, 15:45 by:   Asmødeus    PM
Score +11
I'm sensing some sort of foul play here is Sugihara some how trapping them on the island?
Posted on 18 July 2013, 17:07 by:   The Sage of Marjoram    PM
Score +301
I think...

This story is a "an allegory for adult people" in the sense that "adult people" is used not to denote maturity of age or sexuality, but the development of a hardened soul; here's my justification.

The titular "adult person" is the girl. There's also a definite sense of narrative separation between her and the others - she's the only girl, she seems to know something the others don't about the thicket (didn't want them to go in - or didn't want the MC male to go in, anyway), and she's absent at page 14, where there are "just 5 people", which doesn't add up unless she's not there.

My guess is, after the crash flashback on page 14, she appeared shortly afterwards, where it was assumed by the other 5 that she was also a crash victim; she isn't. She's been on the island for quite some time. This is suggested by

1. she knew the briars were poisoned. But nobody's been there...? It's hard to justify that an inexperienced person would've known from looking at his collapsed person that it was poison, let alone...
2. Find him in the first place, and bring him back. Inoue and presumably the others got lost. She didn't. She probably knows the thicket quite well, having been there for quite some time. It's also the reason...
3. She didn't get poisoned. There's briars everywhere. She probably found this out the hard way quite a long time ago. This also supports 1.

But what part of this makes her an "adult person"? This part. What happened to the other 4 men. Kakuta, Fukuyama, Sasaki, Inoue all died in the thicket. Though to be fair, the thicket itself didn't kill them - it just knocked them out. Long enough for the girl to come and kill them. Which leads to the next part...

The "dolphin" she feeds the MC on page 15? Yeah, that's not dolphin. It's probably Inoue. First of all, their group has been scrounging for small fish for weeks, and suddenly a freakin' dolphin just washes up to shore? On a beach? Doubtful. Moreover, the MC asks "is this meat?". Probably is. I've never had dolphin meat myself, but I'm guessing the difference is noticeable.

And at this point, I think the MC realizes as well, who killed the others, and why. The last panel on page 15 has a dark, featureless background, which has only been used on page 9 to show Inoue's expression of his thought process. The MC also looks scared in that page 15 panel - like he's realized something. In page 16, he seems nervous, scared; his eyes are wide open, and there are dark lines under his eyes, which are never present in the other pages. So when she asks him "did you see a boat", he probably did - but he won't say it. The reasons for this are harder to decipher. My 3 guesses are...

1. He loves her and wants to be with her forever, having seen the how far she will go for him.
2. He thinks that if people try to rescue him, she will kill them.
3. 1., but the darker version. Page 15, last panel. "...Oh. It tastes pretty good...". He joins her.

Miscellaneous things...
Page 5, "let's keep our relationship a secret for just a bit longer, okay?" - for just a bit longer, because she knows they're going to die soon.
Page 11, she doesn't want him to tell the others about the boat. I'm guessing she doesn't know whether or not a boat's actually there, but thinks that he thinks there is. If he tells the others, they may decide to just wait for rescue instead of entering the thicket out of desperation for food, which means they don't die.
Page 13-16, it's possible that there's no poison shrubs, she just knocked them out herself. Inoue's eyes suddenly go wide, and we never see him again. When the MC wakes up, there's no scratches from the shrubs. Moreover, he's not gradually getting tired - his eyes just suddenly open, and he's cut off as well as he says "Ino--" with sound effects above him, which I'm guessing are the sounds of the girl passing through the shrub.
Page 13, top left panel. There's a distinctive pattern of what appears to be shrubbery. The girl's hair has a part that sticks up at the top. The two don't look very similar, but it might just be distortion for the sake of communicating panic.

Though, for all we know, the story could be something much more intricate. And I'll never know.

tl;dr - I fuckin' love Dowman Sayman.
Posted on 19 July 2013, 01:04 by:   vjbeal96    PM
Score +22
now i just read this three times but, did anyone else notice they never give the girl a name or call her by her name?
Posted on 19 July 2013, 09:44 by:   hentiast    PM
Score +73
Yeah... "dolphin"
Posted on 21 July 2013, 00:48 by:   DualGlint    PM
Score +22
The moment I saw Dowman Sayman...

Get ready for dem WTF moments!!! X_X


After reading this... Should I call this girl a yandere? Considering what she said in page 15, its obvious she killed the other survivors, and that dolphin meat, I'm sure it is meat, just not dolphin.

Also, the main character's eye at the end, could it be the countless hours of having sex with her, or slowly figuring out about her true nature? If that's true, it may explain why when she question him whether or not he saw a boat, he possibly denied that he did see one.
Posted on 22 September 2013, 19:39 by:   Elemhunter    PM
Score +20
From Young Comic 2007.
Posted on 16 October 2013, 23:20 by:   IHavoc    PM
Score +46
Another interpretation of that last panel is that he's not pretending not to see a boat. He's desperately hoping for one, staring out into space while psycho cannibal murder bitch rides him.
Posted on 12 November 2013, 04:09 by:   pleed    PM
Score +30
Ah I get it every time he says he seen a boat someone disappears? If he had said to her he seen a boat at the last page.....
Posted on 02 June 2014, 09:02 by:   Zelron    PM
Score +5
I don't like what this is implying.
Posted on 16 August 2014, 01:12 by:   Xython    PM
Score +25
Page 15. She lists 4 people who have gone missing.

So there's him...


Sasaki (molested her)
Inoue (forced her into oral sex)
Fukuyama (both raped her)

Page 14 they do a count of the survivors, and there are only 5.

The main character, Sasaki, Inoue, Kukata, Fukuyama... and her. That's 6 people.

She's some kind of youkai, maybe a tengu, that is preying upon them.

For bonus creepy, look at her eyes through the pages. On page 4, he gets shaded (red) eyes with catlike pupils when getting into it with her. Throughout the rest of the comic when she's trying to manipulate the guys (telling him not to talk about them having sex, keeping them out of the thicket, the food, the threatening question about the boat... They're normal for Dowman works elsewhere, but every so often... creepy eyes with cat irises.

Creepy as hell.
Posted on 26 April 2015, 10:05 by:   MidnightCreeper    PM
Score +1
Tengu makes sense, they compare the thicket to one that's supposedly haunted by Tengu in Chiba.

Regarding her surviving supposedly poisoned thorns, she's also more heavily dressed than the men. They're down to their skivvies while she has an oversized hoody and a one-piece swimsuit. Their problem and dress also seems odd, you'd think that the airplane having crashed so close they would have more food and clothing available, as the plane had more people than survived the crash.

Another thought, what if the word balloons we see about the crimes of the other survivors are not the girls, but the guys? She might have carried out vengeance against them for the abuses he suffered because of the feelings she has for him. Hell, if you look carefully, both characters (Sugihara and the girl) are drawn very similarly outside of their clothing, hair, and tits. They even seem around the same age. she might be a figment of his imagination, created by him to help deal with the stress of the situation.

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