Base +9, zimsthe +8, HulkNorris +8, Grunt Arbiter +10, DDude8 +17, JSG16 +6, pokeyphillip +10, wavedash +10, Qtzctl +7, rt2hot +7, bagiaaa -10, Kralj -14, c556506 +2, and 46 more...
Posted on 29 July 2013, 06:02 by:
Abuelito Score
Base +2, Grunt Arbiter +10, LionMaru -11, JSG16 -6, wavedash -10, glasnost -10, Beasted67 -8, crazymagic -9, Shades of Blue -6, hihohahi -10, Qwertylamb -9, Sinon Granaxia -10, Viktorious -2, and 16 more...
Base +12, Kralj +14, BustahWoluf +14, Hezard +8, crazymagic +9, UnknowDestroyer +7, Bananawallpaper +8, user00 +8, aleh +10, Watsa +4, naarcissus +7, StealthGourd +8, Coloris +20, and 37 more...
Base +1, Zakuzelo +7, Coloris +20, sigma25 +8, FireShark +10, stupid army -10, NailB -16, BustahWoluf -14, Flan-chan +6, Inconspicuous user -8, s0ulkill8r +37, warellis +2, CommieGhosts -3, and 1 more...
Base +9, Zakuzelo -7, Toastkoro +9, Capi duffman +13, FireShark +10, RubberMan +10, bwanacumlately +9, aleh +10, NailB +16, toravisu -10, Bastille +21, Secundus +9, daythi +8, and 22 more...
Base +4, vesper7 -9, ___________ -10, randomname12131412 -7, CarmeloAnthony -9, newguy2012a -8, GuroLover12 -9, Zakuzelo -9, Rouge・ -30, Phantazma Noir -5, MelmothTheWanderer +33
Base +10, bwanacumlately -9, aleh +10, NailB +16, Bastille +21, XFilter +8, The Naughty Shrink +10, Mr.Fishie +4, BustahWoluf +14, Bloody_Rain +8, Flan-chan +6, Miragu +8, Kikopro +4, and 5 more...
Base +1, freeairs -9, Flan-chan -6, Miragu -8, s0ulkill8r -37, Phantazma Noir +5
Posted on 30 July 2013, 05:53 by:
Hakrei Score
Base +15, expanium +6, KaiserBuliwyf -8, Kona-chan +9, warellis +2, rockarolla +4, Zakuzelo +9, Fofotron +6
Base +7, Miragu +8, Zakuzelo +8, Inconspicuous user -8, logkitty +1, aleh -7, warellis +2, StratosXZ +9, rockarolla +6, DxKuro -7, Fofotron +6, Grimz -7
Posted on 01 May 2017, 12:21 by:
rach Score
Base +8, Fofotron +6