Posted on 01 August 2013, 21:03 by:
Hurahara Score
Base +11, digggooooo +3, kudo01 +8, chero666 +9, Ech0S +6, TouhouPairings +7, JRockefeller +12, roflcopt0rz +28, serphirs +8, oneiwonder +5, airhead +14, kittieboobies +8, Riyin +9, and 20 more...
Base +7, udizzle -4, NakamaSanji -6, chero666 -9, ZeroRazor -10, HornySockPuppet -9, Drake68655 -6, LoliLuka -5, GelOKS -7, Rouge・ -30
Base +3, FO-Bakayarou +9, oneiwonder +5, airhead +14, lastflower +8, Ost666 +6, ghostvortex100 +6, stev123 +21
Base +7, DarkDizi +5, serpentlaxer +6, Famenag +8, vernalcash +8, Daemor_drow +10, FO-Bakayarou +9, horror6 +7, oneiwonder +5, airhead +14, kittieboobies +8, Elbowsmash +8, Anonyslime +10, and 18 more...
Posted on 02 August 2013, 11:45 by:
pusangcat Score
Base +9, airhead +14, lastflower +8, Hollow_Gaea +7
Base +5, LoliLuka -6, PhoonumILMNT +5