Posted on 16 August 2013, 04:51 by:
Aspada Score
Base +8, Mario Lasagnia +4, SmexyMan +9, yoyo546 +20, pkmnmaster +8, Icerock +16, caique +8, EdoubleT +10, Stanton +8, 205780 +13, heavenlyskyfriday +7, Gheist -10, Prin +9, and 24 more...
Base +9, Cylade +7, BartSSJ +10, Saloz +3, Your Brother +6
Base +3, NailB -16, kimgtail +9, Cylade -7, treze568 +3, blackordus -12, =0w0= -8, Buraku-chan -12, Miriah -7, BartSSJ -10, Bellmant -3, Palaxius +31, rjimenez666 -4, and 14 more...
Base +10, Jokolytic +4, Runedude +6, Gheist -7, Your Brother +6
Posted on 16 August 2013, 20:05 by:
Jo.To Score
Base +12, treze568 +3, robert971 -5, =0w0= +8, Buraku-chan +12, Miriah +7, makermanman -6, Demonlogan -4, linkCS -6, MrSeyker -6, Bellmant +3, Saloz +3, Tiru +3, and 29 more...
Base +9, Bellmant +3, Palaxius +31, maxone23 -7, Ooe Kintarou +4, Runedude +6, Tamaki-Kousaka +8, k_dash_x +6, Bebek_War +7
Posted on 17 November 2013, 06:09 by:
pluto408 Score
Base +9, Bellmant +3, Jokolytic +4, bobnick23 +5, ThanatosNebula76 +7, rjimenez666 -4, Ooe Kintarou +4, Runedude +6, MrSeyker +6, AGMlolz +8, aqwa30 +6, MelmothTheWanderer -30, TheRokyando +7
Base +8, elgigante -7, Palaxius +31, Fatfree +7, stupid army -7, bobnick23 +5, ladiesman4427 +6, rjimenez666 -4, Sullen_Samurai +7, MrSeyker +6, PlsDunKillme +2, Ooe Kintarou +4, halomastah117 +6, and 33 more...
Posted on 28 December 2014, 11:21 by:
KenjiKay Score
Base +1, Runedude -6, Gheist +7, MrSeyker -6, buba222 -6, aqwa30 -6, Kiranta -6, TheRokyando -7
Posted on 10 July 2015, 15:30 by:
918 Score
Base +10, MrSeyker +6, Ooe Kintarou +4, Runedude +6, Gheist -7, Starman DX 9000 +6, buba222 +6, LUIGI-DUDE +6, 恣遊狂蕩の壹 +4, aqwa30 +6, MelmothTheWanderer -30, AGMlolz +19, TheRokyando +7, and 1 more...
Posted on 24 March 2016, 11:58 by:
PepeFrog Score
Base +3, Ooe Kintarou +4, buba222 -6, mabicat02 +6, MrSeyker -6
Last edited on 15 January 2021, 19:27.
Base +4, splat68 +6
Posted on 11 October 2020, 15:02 by:
zrj520.0 Score
Base +6, yp123 +11
Posted on 03 August 2023, 01:13 by:
天海星 Score
Base +3