Base +10, GearZeroSky +10, Gahasa +10, lwllw +7, stupid army +10, Elementxj +6, Second Dus +10, HentaiM@ster +6, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, UnknowDestroyer +7, derpderp2 +9, MADARA-TAKA2 +8, NakamaSanji +6, and 45 more...
Posted on 19 August 2013, 12:58 by:
EdoubleT Score
Base +10, HXW +9, HentaiM@ster +6, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, udizzle -4, ENHfaithful +5, SomeonesShadow +8, YouStoopet -5, Elbowsmash +8, zeral +7, Augustus28 +7, dfjhgdi +7, flash193 +8, and 12 more...
Base +10, stopwatch -6, dexetus -6, Suprana -3, mrsmilesII -5, Predawned -7, SightlierGravy -7, Higaide42 -6, Divine God of Lust -6, sixty8-man -2
Posted on 19 August 2013, 05:50 by:
Noreally Score
Base +4, Humbard +10, folkien666 -8, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, Raift -8, GalaxyClip +8, Chanel Williams +4, YouStoopet -5, abigleech +8, ENHfaithful +5, tomato86 +13, Evereleven +7, skellybelly +7, and 12 more...
Posted on 19 August 2013, 05:40 by:
mootxico Score
Base +3, Britannia991 +4, imaliar -9, zukuenft -11, darcmistespilon +11, Z.G. +9, Second Dus +10, qs8f7sa9f87 -9, Abweichung +6, e6000 +7, XionXIV +9, Chanel Williams -4, udizzle -4, and 16 more...
Base +9, folkien666 -8, EddaRobo +9, Conkers -7, GalaxyClip -8, SomeonesShadow -8, 10K_Jack +10, Pillowgirl -16, zakarum313 -9, nightflight7 -6, GhostStalker -8, Pissflitsche -6, falafelswoop +6, and 2 more...
Base +8, silf_FFR-41MR +10, AnimeLov3rxXx -10, zukuenft +11, Kainthedamned -16, Raift -8, Palaxius -18, ENHfaithful -5, 10K_Jack -10, Romi the Byzantine -7, nightflight7 -6, GhostStalker -8, lesbogal -7
Base +5, ENHfaithful +5, Romi the Byzantine +7, sixty8-man +2
Posted on 19 August 2013, 08:58 by:
kyuven Score
Base +9, jeffmqs +2, YouStoopet -5, EZSPECIAL +4, Razeil100 +6, Bookrat15 +4, sixty8-man +2
Posted on 19 August 2013, 10:04 by:
Lucie4 Score
Base +8, lastflower +9
Base +8, ENHfaithful +5, Romi the Byzantine +7, Inofor +6, MechWarriorNY +7, tofudood2g +4
Posted on 19 August 2013, 12:54 by:
phangtonk Score
Base +5, SomeonesShadow -8, Romi the Byzantine +7
Posted on 19 August 2013, 19:16 by:
pronessss Score
Base +9, ENHfaithful +5, Liana333 +7, MechWarriorNY +7
Posted on 20 August 2013, 17:11 by:
Relgoshan Score
Base +7, zeral -7, openminded20 -8, Pillowgirl -16, Marinaway -7, Romi the Byzantine -6, myaccount05 -6, GhostStalker -8, lesbogal -7
Posted on 07 November 2013, 19:06 by:
domiyanj Score
Base +7, Liana333 +7, MechWarriorNY +7, sixty8-man +2
Posted on 19 August 2014, 10:59 by:
Zaiup Score
Base +5
Posted on 06 October 2014, 02:03 by:
Domonkazu Score
Base +5, Romi the Byzantine +6, MechWarriorNY +7
Base +27, GhostStalker +8
Posted on 01 December 2019, 21:35 by:
moe42 Score
Base +6, lesbogal +7