Posted on 25 August 2013, 17:22 by:
Enjou Score
Base +20, Bloobz +4, LegoArielFanMaster +8, Zero Angel +36, msPaint +10, xBeowolfx +9, Hariwald +12, uriel +9, kalesh +6, Rivfader89 +9, forvea +9, scrappy135 +7, ladiesman4427 +6, and 4 more...
Base +11, workingovertime +9, Brickster +19, Zero Angel +36, msPaint +10, xBeowolfx +9, Hariwald +12, JigokuRori +3, kalesh +6, Rivfader89 +9, ladiesman4427 +6, andre7 +8, wooop +6, and 1 more...
Base +8, Zero Angel +36, msPaint +10, xBeowolfx +9, Hariwald +12, Rivfader89 +9, forvea +9, ladiesman4427 +6