Base +8, dickfartdick +1, nuclear314 +6, asrakal +6, whasup -6, bassfu -8, Krylanceo +7, robertsaltin +9, fogpet +8, Giovannihur +4, CheckAnon +5, DarkSargeras +8, soifonfan15 +7, and 13 more...
Posted on 09 July 2013, 06:55 by:
numberF Score
Base +2, Shylight -6, nuclear314 -6, asrakal -6, whasup -6, Maximum_Joe -38, Little Strawberry -4, Wombatz -8, robertsaltin -9, omgpirate -13, StrangeWolfe -9, nighshade586 -11, neckbreak -11
Base +10, whasup +6, bassfu -8, westlander +6, giygaskiller +8, robertsaltin -9, Boniface -13, StrangeWolfe -9, soifonfan15 +7, Frystix -6, nighshade586 +11, Dragabont +2, BigPerv666 -8, and 2 more...
Posted on 28 June 2013, 13:24 by:
Kingkaor Score
Base +10, bassfu -8, GabrielKnight -6, gweh +5, robertsaltin -9, Little Strawberry -4, Boniface -13, omgpirate -13, StrangeWolfe -9, soifonfan15 +7, nighshade586 +11, Wombatz -8, neckbreak -11, and 2 more...
Posted on 29 June 2013, 21:30 by:
Wosh Score
Base +7, Evil Scorpio +22, giygaskiller +8, Ericon IX +8, LuckyStar9432 +8, titoloco -9, robertsaltin -9, anon13058264641177 +6, Giovannihur +4, CheckAnon +5, Little Strawberry -4, Boniface -13, Saten2 +8, and 20 more...
Posted on 30 June 2013, 07:55 by:
Eromon Score
Base +8, robertsaltin -9, anon13058264641177 +6, StrangeWolfe -9, Frystix -6, nighshade586 +11, radioardilla -7, neckbreak -11, BigPerv666 -8
Base +7, robertsaltin -9, Little Strawberry -4, Boniface -13, omgpirate -13, StrangeWolfe -9, soifonfan15 +7, neckbreak -11, Shinron -4, BlueSmoke -6
Base +6, anon13058264641177 +6, robertsaltin +9, Giovannihur +4, Boniface -13, omgpirate +13, StrangeWolfe -9, DarkSargeras +8, soifonfan15 +7, Evil Scorpio +22, nighshade586 +11, popcorn71 +8, radioardilla -7, and 7 more...
Base +9, robertsaltin -9, StrangeWolfe -9, soifonfan15 +7, Little Strawberry -4, Evil Scorpio -22, nighshade586 +11, radioardilla -7, neckbreak -11, me111 -6
Base +8, rafasilva +9, StrangeWolfe -9, qfad +3, soifonfan15 +7, robertsaltin +9, Evil Scorpio +22, Giovannihur +4, nighshade586 +11, radioardilla -7, NeBuR1997 +7, BigPerv666 +8, Maximum_Joe +39, and 3 more...
Posted on 24 July 2013, 22:53 by:
enther Score
Base +10, StrangeWolfe -9, BigPerv666 -8, Scaurus +6