Base +6, p187 +9, vnk -6, troybayliss +10, Chocobat_ -4, Hezard +8, EdoubleT +10, NickTheRiddler +8, qs8f7sa9f87 +9, Fecalistopheles +6, man333 +22, nolol111 -8, Ooe Kintarou +3
Posted on 02 September 2013, 12:20 by:
Hurp Durp Score
Base +10, Red_Vodka +12, wavedash -10, Capi duffman +14, troybayliss +10, Fluffybomb -5, Chocobat_ +4, WildCrow -7, jatrat -11, Beane +10, freudia +10, Skull013 -4, Kuroganemaru +7, and 21 more...
Posted on 02 September 2013, 08:08 by:
pihip Score
Base +9, Chocobat_ +4, rudolfonse +6, WildCrow +7, Red_Vodka -12, Capi duffman -14, rons0n -8, NFK -12, ticklishleedslad -9, bfdbfdbfd -6, CarmeloAnthony -9, Chanel Williams +4, Zsar -9, and 10 more...
Base +5, rudolfonse +6, Red_Vodka -12, Capi duffman -14, rons0n -8, NFK -12, ticklishleedslad -9, bfdbfdbfd -6, CarmeloAnthony -9, Chanel Williams +4, Demosthenes -19, Zr44d -12, hihohahi +14, and 1 more...
Posted on 02 September 2013, 18:22 by:
Yosh_ Score
Base +12, Naitimo +7, Red_Vodka +12, man333 +22, UnknowDestroyer +7, bfdbfdbfd +6, NFK +12, dante_vergil +9, Kanti-kunj +9, Zsar +9, Demosthenes +19, deadsx -9, limc -15, and 7 more...
Last edited on 12 May 2015, 08:24.
Base +5, Ooe Kintarou +3
Posted on 29 November 2018, 21:18 by:
chaz831 Score
Last edited on 30 November 2018, 13:14.
Base +6