Posted on 04 September 2013, 12:18 by: HannibalBarca
Score -13
I still think that Silvio Dante is a pseudonym of the infamous far-left political cartoonist Carlos Latuff. The drawing style is rougher and sketchier in these comics, but it's logical that he would change up his drawing style a little in order to prevent recognition. The shading, the coloring, the arbitrary placement of the signature, the anti-American themes... All stuff you'd see in a Latuff cartoon.
Base +8, happyfauter +7, misaki448673 -7, Sushilicious -33, VladimirUrsinovich +8, Fenrirdies -8, Net Imp -8, Natael +6, Mahiel +6
@WootMannen: To each their own, as they say. I'm a fan of certain fetishes, but whether or not I'll find a gem amongst these... Who knows? Most likely: No. In any case, thanks for not saying "YEAH IT'S DISGUSTING HARGLBLARGL IMMADUMBASS" and just noping the fuck out instead while saying that, for YOU, it's not good.