Posted on 04 September 2013, 18:45 by:
Red_Vodka Posted on 04 September 2013, 19:20 by:
40% Score
Base +7, IvanZ +6, KaTIOWa +7, c0py +8, myoxy +9, Bane13 +22, Drpepperfan +9, Revenscall +9, AnimeLUZ +8, samm1e1 +11, Z6595 +17, hacklol +4, jeffmqs +2, and 18 more...
Base +11, Nymphette +9, mooplololol +9, IvanZ +6, AnimeLUZ +8, Z6595 +17, Chinro +7, REDLOHTFIHS +2, maxelvi-san +9, FaLick +7, XLS1 +8, xw1as +8, koga90 +7, and 26 more...
Base +13, Kikopro +4, KaTIOWa +7, ArnasB +3, Mr.Fishie +4, IvanZ +6, Picksbro +8, Bane13 -22, Rockstopper +12, Qwertylamb +9, AnimeLUZ +8, marc455 +9, kenuran +9, and 108 more...
Posted on 04 September 2013, 19:38 by:
iphap Score
Base +9, c0py +8, msPaint +10, myoxy +9, nolol111 -8, loganso -10, Revenscall +9, Rockstopper +12, AnimeLUZ +8, captcarisma +11, RyogoTM +11, Z6595 +17, HodorHodor +6, and 80 more...
Base +9, c0py +8, msPaint -10, Bane13 -22, loganso -10, Dark Mac -15, sunshineandlolipops -7, Dividedbyzero +12, George642 -8, lolwut32 +6, KumagawaM -6, Shizuo -7, DoctorDove -9, and 6 more...
Posted on 04 September 2013, 20:13 by:
vb4 Score
Base +7, Bane13 -22, loganso -10, Granten +11, BiffBlastcheese +21, Keppijeesus +8, ShiningBlade +4, AloofSloth -9, jonsolo +6, Brief +7, Jaycegee +9, REDLOHTFIHS +2, patokite91 +8, and 44 more...
Base +8, Revenscall -9, smokinsickstyle -10, AnimeLUZ -8, toravisu -10, Granten +11, tgsos -10, George642 -8, KumagawaM -6, ashtron -7, Publix Hair -3, Zerotation -6, DoctorDove -11
Base +11, AnimeLUZ +8, Z6595 +17, HodorHodor +6, AloofSloth +9, Supermamado +9, tgsos +10, SilverWolf765 +10, REDLOHTFIHS +2, patokite91 +8, maxelvi-san +9, Dark Mac +15, Dividedbyzero -12, and 28 more...
Base +39, darkspirit -11, AloofSloth +9, bug123 +8, REDLOHTFIHS +2, Shakenbytheviolence -6, SomeLazyDouche +7, KumagawaM -6, jfragrettel +8, coolswave16 +6, thequack1212 -6
Posted on 05 September 2013, 06:52 by:
scrimshaq Score
Base +8, bug123 +8, REDLOHTFIHS +2, Z6595 +17, Shakenbytheviolence +6, vicky151 +5, JJAM420 +5, jfragrettel +8, BigJohnny -6, Lotrei +6, Ost666 +6, Wesieboy56 +5, deadpanda777 +6, and 4 more...
Base +9, e6000 +7, Dark Mac +15, Z6595 +17, vicky151 +5, CopyBotJ +3, KumagawaM +6, Chad_Thundercawk +5, jfragrettel +8, Zerotation +6, Manser2300 +5, Ost666 +6, deadpanda777 +6, and 8 more...
Base +12, e6000 +7, HodorHodor +6, REDLOHTFIHS +2, Z6595 +17, Dividedbyzero -12, dung620 +8, CopyBotJ +3, slimyD +12, SonicGTR +6, Ruras +5, jfragrettel +8, seba5609 +4, and 13 more...
Posted on 06 September 2013, 03:00 by:
Knocks Score
Base +6, AloofSloth +9, Dark Mac +15, REDLOHTFIHS +2, Z6595 +17, Dividedbyzero -12, jeffmqs +3, vicky151 +5, George642 +8, CopyBotJ +3, Eternal Dragon +4, SonicGTR +6, jfragrettel +8, and 9 more...
Posted on 06 September 2013, 09:32 by:
Master117 Score
Base +8, Red_Vodka +12, Z6595 +17, Dividedbyzero -12, huhtech +11, jfragrettel +8, Zerotation +6, coolswave16 +6, kerokami +8, DrCogsy +6, hobozombie -8, Comrade Claus +8
Posted on 07 September 2013, 01:45 by:
contown Score
Base +9, AloofSloth +9, Dark Mac +15, Z6595 +17, Dividedbyzero -12, jeffmqs +3, vicky151 +5, sgt_akiyama +21, George642 +8, Eternal Dragon +4, Gh1 +4, heh...narto +6, swagzillaforila +1, and 14 more...
Base +9, AloofSloth -9, Dark Mac -15, REDLOHTFIHS +2, bobape -6, darkspirit -11, sunshineandlolipops -7, Dividedbyzero +12, George642 -8, CopyBotJ -3, catBARON -4, KumagawaM -6, Nasciturus +6, and 18 more...
Posted on 10 September 2013, 04:48 by:
truefire Score
Base +8, Dark Mac +15, Z6595 +17, waltergeist +6, jfragrettel +8, coolswave16 +6, ALAKTORN +6
Base +7, Dividedbyzero -12, bobby tod +6, jfragrettel +8, ALAKTORN +6, qwertz789 +6, Dooderz -8
Base +9, koga90 +7, JAMR92 +5, Suzaku Medli +9, Silentsinz +7, catBARON +4, Eugene_Petrosyan +4, KumagawaM +6, Akul44 +6, japuogata +6, jfragrettel +8, mrsantiaramir +6, blaze7328 +5, and 4 more...
Base +7, jfragrettel +8, coolswave16 +6, qwertz789 +6
Posted on 27 November 2013, 10:01 by:
derp699 Score
Base +9, jfragrettel +8, ALAKTORN +6
Posted on 05 December 2013, 17:31 by:
Dentik Score
Base +7, SonicGTR +6, jfragrettel +8, ALAKTORN +6, kerokami +8, Ost666 +6, thequack1212 -6, qwertz789 +6
Base +8, sv24 +7, Anonimuel +9, rockarolla +6, Xerxis +8, SonicGTR +6, DragonLolicon -5, jfragrettel +8, Zerotation +6, blaze7328 +5, XNumbers +6, shinnt +16, coolswave16 +6, and 9 more...
Posted on 06 February 2015, 16:28 by:
Vubik Score
Base +7, SomeLazyDouche -7, waltergeist -8, rmsgnu +2, DoctorDove -9, Blaze_fire +8, Haj3 -6, asdjuan -6, Xerxis -8, MonsterButler -6, Chad_Thundercawk +5, Draw99Gray +14, Publix Hair -3, and 15 more...
Base +10, rockarolla +6, Chad_Thundercawk +5, jfragrettel +8, Kuro Yuuki +6, CritiicalMass +6, blaze7328 +5, TheDudeIV +6, ALAKTORN +6, damnspams +6, Ost666 +6, Wubsvik +6, Dooderz +8
Posted on 25 July 2015, 12:57 by:
boorey Score
Base +3, jfragrettel +8, ALAKTORN +6, kerokami +8, Krazylec +5, qwertz789 +6, sorriso +7
Posted on 21 December 2017, 20:34 by:
tocaia Score
Base +6, silverballz -6, coolswave16 +6, Jack Knife -6, Ost666 -6, ALAKTORN -6, yankeeboy27 +6, kerokami -8, MisterL21 +6, darkincubo -6, thequack1212 +6, ufufu19 -6, RustySword7 -6, and 11 more...
Base +6, SpacialSebas +5, DrCogsy +6, Dark Mac +12, cyminum -6, SecretiveGamer +13, 3ro +6
Posted on 07 September 2019, 00:46 by:
Tsarist Score
Base +3, sorriso +7, VictoryOmega12 -6