Posted on 08 September 2013, 11:25 by:
Marien Posted on 08 September 2013, 11:44 by:
Gahasa Score
Base +12, zahentai -5, ekngeighenb7816 +4, BByx +7, nww +6, Qwerty Bam +4, Ooe Kintarou +4, rainbowcabbage +6
Posted on 08 September 2013, 12:05 by:
EdoubleT Score
Base +10, Britannia991 +4, Izur +11, freeboys40 +7, jameshotate +10, JukanX +20, Hezard -8, ekngeighenb7816 +4, Wing X Custom -7, Tomo the Graet -7, Gui Cogo -19, TheSale +4, Qwerty Bam +4, and 9 more...
Base +6, Britannia991 +4, asdasd564 +7, Xavier Blitz +8, Izur +11, rising11 +7, freeboys40 +7, jameshotate +10, Anony12788 +12, dare69 +8, ilovethishit +5, TaggingReader +9, skellybelly +8, and 99 more...
Base +12, freeboys40 +7, Techwire +14, TDream +12, ZTai +10, BlorgAlmighty +20, Songbird +7, jameshotate +10, Anony12788 +12, ilovethishit +5, Adrain Shepard +10, JayGray7Ten +5, Theirs +7, and 134 more...
Posted on 08 September 2013, 13:17 by:
Masayoshi Score
Base +11, freeboys40 +7, zahentai +5, ekngeighenb7816 +4, Wing X Custom +7, deepspob +8, dawatched -7, Qwerty Bam +4, Fuzaki +6, Knife Prty +5, Rivfader89 +8, Metamorphisis +8, Magrinho5 +15, and 33 more...
Posted on 08 September 2013, 13:39 by:
bigman5 Score
Base +8, freeboys40 +7, Granten +11, jameshotate +10, Anony12788 +12, Akres +9, rt2hot +8, Warrior90 +9, JukanX +20, hacklol +4, Grunt Arbiter +10, k1bell +9, danixxx +34, and 77 more...
Posted on 08 September 2013, 13:45 by:
GaeBolg Score
Base +7, yejz +8, Enki17 -10, zahentai -5, antikv -10, zukuenft +11, IgotSWEG +4, shinangels +9, ekngeighenb7816 -4, Wing X Custom +7, BByx +7, ebeo +5, SadamBober +9, and 19 more...
Posted on 08 September 2013, 14:33 by:
Huoratron Score
Base +9, ekngeighenb7816 +4, Wing X Custom +7, gengaozo +7, Zemyih +2, deepspob +8, Harkening +8, ART65 -5, TheSale +4, Qwerty Bam +4, Fuzaki +6, Knife Prty +5, urkle +6, and 15 more...
Posted on 08 September 2013, 14:37 by:
VanJunkie Score
Base +1, antikv -10, oneiwonder +5, ekngeighenb7816 +4, SlenderDr +4, DrDick +8, Gui Cogo -19, ART65 +5, Qwerty Bam +4, Wilfriback +9, Negro323 +6, PinguPrin +6
Posted on 08 September 2013, 18:51 by:
mutsdhr Score
Base +16, sennken -8, ekngeighenb7816 -4, SlenderDr +4, DrDick -8, Qwerty Bam +4, Nesray -7, rainbowcabbage -6, Schramm_13 -6, biscardone -8
Base +4, ekngeighenb7816 +4, SlenderDr +4, IntarwebzFTW -7, fifthfan -9, DrDick -8, Chips Handon -9, Nelfx -5, Qwerty Bam -4, Knife Prty -5, Ooe Kintarou -4, Zolnerowich -7, Denjiro -11
Posted on 08 September 2013, 21:14 by:
Mysmidoon Score
Base +8, ekngeighenb7816 +4, BByx +7, Sancho_Panza +26, deepspob -8, Qwerty Bam +4, Ooe Kintarou +4, rainbowcabbage +6
Posted on 09 September 2013, 01:15 by:
ex91 Score
Base +10, antikv +10, k1bell +9, Once and Final King +3, ekngeighenb7816 +4, bfdbfdbfd +6, Tomo the Graet +7, CarmeloAnthony +9, tracingthelines +9, ShinJust +8, DrDick +8, Chips Handon +9, zukuenft +11, and 38 more...
Base +1, oneiwonder +5, ekngeighenb7816 +4, BByx +7, Gui Cogo -19, Qwerty Bam +4, monkeyneth +5, tiagra +6, Victor DoUrden +12, Ooe Kintarou +4, rainbowcabbage +6
Base +18, dirtyhairry +16, Zizou21 +9, Gui Cogo +19, KaiserBuliwyf +7, Qwerty Bam +4, ShadowMKII -6, cochrane +7, Ooe Kintarou +4, Feladrance +4, darkwatcher10 +6, Nesray -7, deadzaku +1, and 1 more...
Base +5, DrDick -8, meep402 -12, snakenbacon -6, KaiserBuliwyf -7, Qwerty Bam -4, cochrane -7, Ooe Kintarou -4, Feladrance -4, Denjiro -11, PinguPrin -6
Base +10, Zemyih +2, dirtyhairry +16, Riyu1940 +5, Glues_And_Screws +6, Qwerty Bam +4, cochrane -7, tocaia +4, Feladrance +4, SecretiveGamer +8, PinguPrin +6
Base +6, Qwerty Bam +4, g0su +14
Posted on 29 December 2013, 19:59 by:
oracle23 Score
Base +7, Qwerty Bam +4, g0su +14
Base +6, ART65 +5, Glues_And_Screws +6, yadua +5, TheSale +4, Legojack +5, Qwerty Bam +4, Fuzaki +6, aurst +5, suratkabar +4, Gh1 +5, ashman005 -7, Fofotron +6
Posted on 05 May 2015, 11:16 by:
pureyang Score
Base +21, Qwerty Bam +4, suratkabar +4, Victor DoUrden +12, musoukaXIV +7, Kael Hyun +7, Tesxy +26, Kuro Neko +31, cochrane +7, Shinryu-Rex +6, Ooe Kintarou +4, Zolnerowich +7, Feladrance +4, and 8 more...
Base +7, Qwerty Bam +4, Ooe Kintarou +4, Krazylec +4
Base +6, musoukaXIV +7, Kael Hyun -7, cochrane -7, Wilfriback -9, Ooe Kintarou -4, Zolnerowich +7, Feladrance +4, Denjiro -11, go58mets -6, lex15226 -6, Larom -6, QJD1381 +6, and 3 more...
Base +8, Kuro Neko -30, cochrane -7, yami_zetsu +8, Whiplash -6, snakenbacon -6, tocaia +4, Ooe Kintarou -4, neoshingundam -1, Denjiro -11, Krazylec -4, Nesray +7, lex15226 -6, and 7 more...
Base +6, Zolnerowich -7, neoshingundam +1, Feladrance +4, xj87 +6
Base +3, deadarm +6, Schramm_13 +6, greatlakes100 +7
Base +6, rainbowcabbage +6
Posted on 13 December 2016, 23:51 by:
ranwolf Score
Base +7, xj87 +6, Krazylec +4, Broctopus +6, PinguPrin +6, Schramm_13 +6, greatlakes100 +7