Posted on 08 September 2013, 14:17 by:
Noppe102 Posted on 08 September 2013, 14:39 by:
Base +2, h03r1d4 -7, TEIOETERNIA -9, patokite91 -8, Ctyr -6, cAntW0 -15, Techwire -14, Violer -5, tcvds -8, Huehue2 -8, tgsos -10, Boneriffic -15, AlexUnknown -8, and 3 more...
Posted on 08 September 2013, 16:34 by:
Vuffy Score
Base +7, airhead +14, Shades of Blue +6, ThatDamnAzn +6, kudo01 +8, Kadax +7, Mortimer Gustingham +7, Violer +5, Crimsoncharcoal +7, konakona24 -6, heh...narto +6, ekngeighenb7816 +4, POOT +9, and 23 more...
Posted on 08 September 2013, 16:46 by:
kite722 Score
Base +9, airhead +14, Fleegman +9, Shades of Blue +6, Izimiger +10, ThatDamnAzn +6, kudo01 +8, Kadax +7, oxymoron +8, Anonyslime +10, tcvds +8, Deathscythe008 +5, eibonish +1, and 69 more...
Posted on 08 September 2013, 19:18 by:
rt2hot Score
Base +8, airhead +14, Fleegman +9, Shades of Blue +6, Izimiger +10, ThatDamnAzn +6, Kadax +7, tcvds +8, Deathscythe008 +5, Spiffy101 -6, Violer +5, Brego1 +7, SCSS +12, and 51 more...
Posted on 08 September 2013, 22:30 by:
Ripsmash Score
Base +5, Anonyslime +10, Violer +5, tgsos +10, heh...narto +6, Aftermath1234 +5, ekngeighenb7816 +4, AlexUnknown +8, Mr.Braun +5, herpderp5545 +7, Konola +7, Dash-Dash-Dash +7, sable1 +22
Base +7, emome +10, tcvds +8, Violer +5, Saiou Takuma +11, XXXIX +5, pgo9ro +4, Huehue2 +8, Buush +6, konakona24 +6, tgsos +10, heh...narto +6, rockingoldensamurai +4, and 63 more...
Posted on 09 September 2013, 04:03 by:
Rakuko Score
Base +8, captcarisma +11, ekngeighenb7816 +4, AlexUnknown +8, MechWarriorNY +7, Konola +7, Dash-Dash-Dash +7
Posted on 11 September 2013, 14:29 by:
Cisla Score
Base +7, ekngeighenb7816 +4, AlexUnknown +8, Marisa Kirisame +7, Satoshi。。。 +9, MechWarriorNY +7, qwertz789 +4, Chad_Thundercawk +5, Konola +7, Dash-Dash-Dash +7, shadowlLink -6
Posted on 12 September 2013, 06:23 by:
dap00 Score
Base +23, heh...narto +6, ekngeighenb7816 +4, AlexUnknown +8, Rocket 4000 +7, Chad_Thundercawk +5, Jdec +6
Base +9, ekngeighenb7816 +4, AlexUnknown +8, vicky151 +5, Minstrelofmoria +6, Chad_Thundercawk +5, Konola +7, Dash-Dash-Dash +7, TheRokyando -7, Winter is Cumming +6
Posted on 16 September 2013, 18:04 by:
Knocks Score
Base +6, pgo9ro +4, generickitty +8, heh...narto +6, ekngeighenb7816 +4, AlexUnknown +8, Rocket 4000 +7, VanillaFetish +7, vitono +7, assmanic +6, Minstrelofmoria +6, thequack1212 -6, Lilithium +6, and 26 more...
Posted on 28 September 2013, 08:16 by:
Twin182 Score
Base +5, Zen E +12, captcarisma +11, ekngeighenb7816 +4, AlexUnknown +8, Konola +7, Dash-Dash-Dash -7, rockarolla +6, TheRokyando -7, Wave-Guiding Hero +6, Copy-n-Paste +6
Base +3, Zen E +12, captcarisma +11, ekngeighenb7816 +4, AlexUnknown +8, Marisa Kirisame +7, Konola +7, TheRokyando -7, Wave-Guiding Hero +6
Posted on 12 November 2013, 23:04 by:
Enki17 Score
Base +10, AlexUnknown +8, VanillaFetish +7, AsuraZero +6, Marisa Kirisame +7, qwertz789 +4, Konola +7, Dash-Dash-Dash +7
Posted on 10 December 2013, 21:21 by:
Owyn Score
Base +13, Jokolytic -6, Chad_Thundercawk -5, dyalibya +7, dj756 -2, Konola -7, Dash-Dash-Dash +7, UltimaHelz -6, Beyond Imagination -6, Chanel Williams -7, Hyoros -14, DesRed -6, Yesman71 -9, and 1 more...
Base +9, 9001 +6, vicky151 -5, thequack1212 -6, Lilithium +6, AsuraZero +6, Whiplash -6, qwertz789 +4, Chad_Thundercawk +5, rockarolla +6, UltimaHelz -6, TheRokyando +7, Person8 +7
Posted on 03 December 2014, 01:00 by:
arsg Score
Base +6, Konola +7
Base +6, tictac401 -6, dj756 -2, Csumyee -7, Proxis -6, tronix11 -6, Beyond Imagination -6, trapmint -6, drustrevi -10, Crimson13 -8, Dash-Dash-Dash -7, Glyce -6, UltimaHelz -6, and 4 more...
Base +7, TheRokyando +7, tictac401 -6