Viper-san, you really are our Ranma doujinshi hero! Thank you for this other piece of Ranma fan art! Short story, and yet, great art coming from Shimeta Hiromitsu (しめたひろみつ), a Ranma lover mangaka. Here his blog and his pixiv for those who are interested: PS: I think the title should rather be something like "Caught in a watermelon patch!" but Japanese is not my forte ^_^
Base +5, Lance_mc +17, harbrun +16, khrizto +7, xBeowolfx +9
Posted on 10 September 2013, 06:04 by: Master Chen
Score -10
Meh. I prefer muh Ranma to be from Mouiidesu, or from Yagami Dai. Or at least from Marin. Currently - these three are the best Ranma-drawing artists around.
Awww it was just a dream? Finally we have another Tatewaki-X-Ranma doujin and not only was it really short, it was just a dream :( Poor Tatewaki. It's a bit surprising that there haven't been more Tate X Ranma doujin though... there were so many interesting scenes in the manga that could have lead to sex.
1. The scene where Ranma and Tate hide from Akane in the closet. 2. The Romeo and Juliet kiss. 3. Ranma taking off her top in the bathroom when she is trying to get the belt with the negatives. 4. The wish sword. 5. The phoenix 6. The mirror clones (Tate + two Ranma-chan) 7. The melon island 8. The cursed bathingsuit
ect ect ect and those are just I can think at the top of my head. While the cursed bathingsuit and the scene where they hid from Akane in the closet were always my favorites, the watermelon island one was disappointing since Ranma never wore that bathing-suit in the anime version. The hell!? That watermelon suit was almost iconic and very specific for that story!
Anyway, I'd like to thank Viper as he once again graces the Ranma community with one of these marvelous doujin. Thank you Viperman.