Sakuya, this is why you don't accept candies from strangers. Even if they are kids.
Now to wait for a kind translator. I want to know more about Tiramisu's shenanigans. I love he explore the fine minutiae of mindbreaking, like in the one with Aya (which is my favorite of his).
You know I have to wonder why he's always this to Sakuya.
The last 3 scanned mindbreak/rape ones he's done were all about Sakuya... Kinda figured he was moving out of that with the Yukari one (Do you like Horny older sisters) and the Yuyuko/Yukari one...
Base +11, Zakuzelo +8
Posted on 16 September 2013, 05:22 by: tonygodsdusk
Score +9
Stop right before the birth. man that was an genius idea.Fantastic