001: Title 002-035: Text included 036-070: RAW non-text included
Desperately bought it after 3 months of hopeless searching for this. Also my first hentai and Japanese stuff purchase. I hope you like it ;)
Posted on 23 September 2013, 03:01 by: Anonymous777
Score +94
Welcome to the group of people who actually buy hentai stuff and support the artists, Take-kun!
@osneniseles dlsite.com/maniax and melonbooks.com are both good sites to start with.
Base +9, LegoArielFanMaster +8, Easy Baby +9, gurumao +14, Nomake Wan +10, shinatocool +9, xomstor +16, BartSSJ +10, Refon_S +9
Posted on 23 September 2013, 02:58 by: osneniseles
Score +24
I want to support these guy, cuz their stuff makes my life near complete. Where do u buy purchase their stuff. Like is there a website cuz i feel bad being part of the other group who reads but never buys....