Base +11, drop it +9, Hjackmember +11, yellow-chan +5, semtex +9, Person8 +10, poopyface +6, Anonymous777 +9, TlchildSinX +12, Zero Angel +36, vovan400 +7, PrinceLemon +6, icebrakerz +9, and 16 more...
Posted on 29 September 2013, 22:41 by:
nabusco Score
Base +8, yellow-chan +5, semtex +9, Person8 +10, poopyface +6, ernie12 +14, InsaneCheese +9, Maxsteele +8, Saiori +11, iwaskilled +9, tacoda +7, jsnormandy +7, see-eff +6, and 3 more...
Base +2, hurr123 +8, poopyface +6, bagiaaa +11, Anonymous777 +9, titoloco -9, kitsuneH +15, WillDynas +10, Riyin +9, Romi the Byzantine +7, Gabressan +8, InsaneCheese +9, Biladsan +15, and 53 more...
Base +8, poopyface +6, Zero Angel +36, WillDynas +10, Romi the Byzantine +7, ernie12 +14, InsaneCheese +9, Nicklaus_Vlad +8, Nights002 +7, KJacket +16, MANTOR562 +9, Maxsteele +8, airhead +14, and 15 more...
Base +1, Zero Angel +36, WillDynas +10, ernie12 +14, InsaneCheese +9, Nicklaus_Vlad +8, Nights002 +7, KJacket +16, MANTOR562 +9, Maxsteele +8, Leviathan +12, iwaskilled +9, ditama +8, and 6 more...
Posted on 30 September 2013, 03:18 by:
diebuster Score
Base +8, Zero Angel +36, WillDynas +10, gurumao +14, ernie12 +14, Gabressan +8, Daemor_drow +10, c0py +8, InsaneCheese +9, Biladsan +15, Nicklaus_Vlad +8, Nights002 +7, KJacket +16, and 44 more...
Posted on 30 September 2013, 04:54 by:
Bargbarg Score
Base +6, titoloco +9, WillDynas +10, pihip +9, ernie12 +14, InsaneCheese +9, Nights002 +7, KJacket +16, MANTOR562 +9, Maxsteele +8, Saiori +11, lihquid +8, ditama +8, and 17 more...
Base +10, Maxsteele +8, Frygon +8, sadpanda12345678 +12
Posted on 30 September 2013, 07:17 by:
CDub7888 Score
Base +8, WillDynas +10, Leviathan +12, pihip +9, Person8 +10, sermihage -11, shuntensatsu +10, yukkurikeeper +6, sadpanda12345678 +12
Base +5, Nights002 +7, Maxsteele +8, MechWarriorNY +6, Quatro Bajina +6, KumagawaM +5, Viktorious +5, silentspring +6, yukkurikeeper +6, gert3613 -6, see-eff +6, 345866ee +5, Rhanar +6, and 1 more...
Base +7, gurumao +14, Maxsteele +8, jsnormandy +7, sadpanda12345678 +12
Base +9, Maxsteele +8, Avera +10, Leviathan +12, Saiori +11, iwaskilled +9, kuroshinzo -11, MechWarriorNY +6, KumagawaM +5, Judge King +7, Viktorious +5, jsnormandy +7, hon. +5, and 7 more...
Posted on 01 October 2013, 07:09 by:
l337t3r Score
Base +8, Maxsteele +8, Quatro Bajina +6, junhezhin +8, bootywarrior69 +3, yukkurikeeper +6, see-eff +6, Rhanar +6, sadpanda12345678 +12
Base +10, Sir Saber +8, Ntrism +2, MechWarriorNY +6, cherrydude +1, junhezhin +8, appledough +1, HamburgerHelper +4, Famenag +7, KumagawaM -6, see-eff +6, sadpanda12345678 +12
Posted on 07 October 2013, 16:34 by:
Insano# Score
Base +2, Anime64 -7, redsandwich -8, KumagawaM -5, FatSpanner -6, Frygon -10, huzi123 +6
Posted on 30 October 2013, 07:40 by:
Dflowen Score
Base +9, Quatro Bajina +6, KumagawaM +5
Posted on 31 October 2013, 16:06 by:
Fusrodaah Score
Base +2, Quatro Bajina +6, Anime64 -7, redsandwich -8, KumagawaM -5, HamburgerHelper +4, ibarakiii -6, Kona-chan -7, Orpheus61 +5, Noir Vinocacao -6, guruhoro +8, see-eff -6, sayumatsu -6, and 2 more...
Posted on 13 December 2013, 20:50 by:
Sovann Score
Base +7, Anime64 -7, KumagawaM +5, junhezhin +8, HamburgerHelper +4, bootywarrior69 +3, sadpanda12345678 +12
Base +5, sadpanda12345678 +12
Base +6, KumagawaM -6, Hyoros +7, see-eff +6, Sex. Furius +4, gravytub +7, sadpanda12345678 +12
Base +4, RefinedFapper +5, DesuKyun +6
Base +6, dahaka222 +6, yukkurikeeper +6, guruhoro +8, Hyoros +7, see-eff +6, DaxterSpeed +6, 345866ee +6, Lordofclits +9, crizu +6, sadpanda12345678 +12
Posted on 21 May 2018, 17:16 by:
JekaZ Score
Base +8