Another terrible Touhou doujin full of crossdressed faggots, then, full of fail and AIDS that is kiling Touhou. Then, it is obvious that, for a sane person, there is nothing of value in this doujin. If you are a serious person imagining that there is no one with no brains who could infatuate to this atrocity, i mean, butthurt repressed homossexuals, also known as futafags, then give up to live.
EDIT: I don't always argue with futafags, but when i do, they all sound paranoic, butthurt and gay as hell.
I love this type of stuff. Nothing like futanaris with big dicks having fun and screwing each other. I wonder what Aya and Momiji's kid would look like seeing Aya fertilized Momiji's egg on Page 9? It hits some of my top fetishes well! Thanks, uploader!
Base +10, bluflung +5, xBeowolfx +9, Super_Hornet +9
The only thing I'm disappointed for is that the author's excellent way of drawing cute little feet in stockings isn't on display here :P Still there's the artist's Pixiv art for that.
So, how many accounts has this pretentious hater gone through just to hate on a simple fetish?
I am serious, this is the most amusing shit I've seen for a while now and it's even more amusing that he doesn't even need an alias anymore just to figure out who this random is.
Also quit trying to use big words. It really messes your sentence structure and I'd prefer to be able to understand what it is that your typing rather than your voodoo hate or some shit.
I know simg is just attention whoring, but can he at least make it clear on what the hell I am reading so I can have a better laugh?
Edit: Awww cute, he responded. Too bad he has nothing to backup his claim. Maybe he should try harder next time and hopefully with an even cuter response.
Base +7, Super_Hornet +9, bluflung +5, xBeowolfx +9, kingofptw +9