So I appreciate the Human male on Female Furry...but was that last picture meant to imply that this was all a fantasy with a female human and a male furry? I don't get it... Super Shanko, you're the man to go to for Female Furry Doujinshi, if and when you read this, I'll leave it to you. Edit. I see that now, it was a bit unclear to me since I'm unversed in Moon runes. It kind of looked like, at least from my angle, that both of the two cheaters looked a lot like their spouses, only gender swapped, so I was confused and believed it was a fantasy angle.
@Luke78 I think the last panel implies that both furrys are cheating. The Wife is cheating on her husband with a human male whilst her Husband is cheating on her with a human female.
@above: That makes more sense. Probably like an irony thing. That or the two in the last panel are the siblings to the main ones. They look pretty much like a gender swapped counter part.
.... And have I really become known around here as the person to go to for fem-furries?
The guy is a kid, he is friends with her child. Normal I fucked my friends mom type story, where she goes how can u like a old gal like me and this is wrong at first and so on. The last pick is just to say that while they were having fun so was her kid with his mom.