Base +4, AglowGolem -19, RaLz- -6, mike940405 -6, Videl Guru Buu33 +6, Rocka69X -1, HabaneroJim -9, nightmarelord -6, tracingthelines -5, solidsnake2730 -7, Tobi92 -1, Sushilicious +27, Donnachaidh -7, and 1 more...
Base +6, Tobi92 +2, Jazz_Doll +26, mike940405 +6, Shockblock +5, Videl Guru Buu33 +6, Rocka69X -1, nightmarelord +6, tracingthelines +5, Zero Angel +28, Sushilicious +27, Laharl_EAC +5, Donnachaidh +7, and 11 more...
Base +11, AglowGolem -23, tracingthelines -5, mike940405 -6, Tobi92 -1, Shadow Weaver -53, Zero Angel -28, Donnachaidh -7, danixxx -31
Posted on 04 December 2010, 07:09 by:
JoHal Score
Base +4, Dfens1000 +8, Tobi92 +1, Shadow Weaver -53, mike940405 -7, Sushilicious +27, Donnachaidh -7, danixxx -31
Base +1, Cuatro4 +5, Sushilicious +27, Donnachaidh +7, yaoiboi +1, nww +6, jaylou1010 +9, observer1980 +23, Excavateur +13, Evil Scorpio +22, wastedman +11, Zedon0007 +9, Painlee -10, and 2 more...
Base +9, observer1980 +23, Evil Scorpio +22, jameshotate +11, lolxdrofl +2, spyroguy22475 +4
Base +7, Chainfire -6, Aianostre +7, observer1980 +23, Evil Scorpio -22, lolxdrofl -2, spyroguy22475 +4
Posted on 30 July 2012, 16:52 by:
cjlaffe Score
Base +10, Laharl_EAC +9, jaylou1010 +9, observer1980 +23, TheFishRat +7, Evil Scorpio +22, lionsroar89 -8, Painlee -10
Posted on 10 October 2013, 15:19 by:
kuehnau Score
Base +2, nww +6, observer1980 +23, Evil Scorpio +22, lionsroar89 +8, Painlee -10
Posted on 15 January 2013, 22:56 by:
kieyzo Score
Base +5, EddaRobo +6
Base +10, cgh +9, Painlee -10
Posted on 14 October 2013, 03:34 by:
dap00 Score
Base +23
Posted on 27 January 2024, 13:09 by:
Mog_hai Score
Base +7