Base +10, redronnet +7, xKali +9, JSG16 +7, Lolimir +6, s0ulkill8r +31, Stevewasalreadytaken +9, Flame Ryu +14, yoyo546 +20, Tove +9, SuperHuy +10, polygon_491 -8, CyD +9, and 19 more...
Base +5, cgh -9, Lolimir +6, Stevewasalreadytaken +9, starboar +9, jamrock1876 +7, Enki17 +10, polygon_491 -8, a4po +4, TooMuchInfo +3, thatguy26 -9, animefan69 +8, s0ulkill8r +31, and 6 more...
Base +8, Lolimir +6, SCSS +12, Stevewasalreadytaken +9, Tove +9, SuperHuy +10, CyD +9, Enki17 +10, polygon_491 -8, a4po +4, thatguy26 -9, cakefart +7, aerandir56 +6, and 1 more...
Base +8, Lolimir +6, Stevewasalreadytaken +9, FLUFFISTHEBESTEVERs +5, Tove +9, SuperHuy +10, CyD +9, Enki17 +10, polygon_491 -8, a4po +4, thatguy26 -9, aerandir56 +6, Psyche-chan99 +4, and 2 more...
Posted on 23 September 2013, 12:43 by:
errata Score
Base +9, polygon_491 -8, a4po +4, thatguy26 -9, Moku +10, jamrock1876 -7, kurtis -8, Stevewasalreadytaken +10, Oddball +7, Megazord0h +6
Posted on 28 September 2013, 00:01 by:
Kamiri Score
Base +9, Tove +9, CyD +9, Enki17 +10, polygon_491 -8, a4po +4, thatguy26 -9, kurtis -8, Stevewasalreadytaken +10
Posted on 28 September 2013, 00:08 by:
blunt005 Score
Base +8, thatguy26 +9, aerandir56 +6, jameshotate +11, polygon_491 -6, Naught4U +6
Posted on 28 September 2013, 06:01 by:
dap00 Score
Base +23, CyD +9, polygon_491 -8, a4po +4, thatguy26 -9, kurtis +8, jameshotate +11, Stevewasalreadytaken +10, Oddball +7, Megazord0h +6, Lady-Akane +5, Naught4U +6
Base +5, polygon_491 -8, cgh +9, a4po +4, thatguy26 +9, kurtis +8, Naught4U +6
Posted on 28 September 2013, 09:11 by:
Kenyenzie Score
Base +8, ilililililililili +2, Enki17 +10, polygon_491 -8, a4po +4, thatguy26 -9, FLUFFISTHEBESTEVERs +5, jamrock1876 -7, Stevewasalreadytaken +10, Oddball +7
Base +9, polygon_491 -8, cgh +9, a4po +4, aerandir56 +6, jameshotate +11
Posted on 13 October 2013, 11:35 by:
thaluka Score
Base +8, Yani2000 +9, thatguy26 +9, Stevewasalreadytaken +9, Shekkey +7, kurtis -8, jameshotate +11, Sturmjager +9, Naught4U +6
Base +10, thatguy26 +9, jamrock1876 +7, kurtis -8, s0ulkill8r +31, Stevewasalreadytaken +10, MDetector5 -6, Invisibleguest +6, cakefart +6
Posted on 20 October 2013, 17:12 by:
leowolf Score
Base +7, Stevewasalreadytaken +10, twojababcia +5, MDetector5 -6, Oddball +7, cakefart +6, Naught4U +6