Thank you for uploading. This is the 2nd MBS Truth game to incorporate invisibility, in some form. The first being /g/276041/de03ece7cc/ which used Astral Projection as a form of invisibility.
If the defunct company May Be Soft is the original version of MBS Truth then we can also include Sugata as well. /g/51100/0463dc7475/
I hope it is the spin-off of May Be Soft. In that case I still have hopes for a Sugata Sequel.
Base +8, joranger +9, Newermxi +6, bbgr987 +1
Posted on 20 November 2013, 14:13 by: The Escapist
Score +8
Character designs remind me of Buriki's art. Delicious.
From what I gathered from the various scenes, it's about a guy without powers in a school for psychics. A stranger gives him the ESP Amp, a program that allows him to manifest psychic abilities unlike before. However, the program only works for 21 days exactly, and the main guy should decide which group (yes, there's no single-character route in this game) to capture.
The game itself is straightforward such that focusing on a character of choice will eventually bring you to one of the outcomes by Day 21. Aside from that, the mind control aspect is somewhat soft for the main cast and a bit hard for a minor secondary one not included in this gallery. The thing that pulled me into playing the game is Akagi Rio's character designs (see previous post).