Posted on 23 October 2013, 18:26 by:
Hectotane Score
Base +7, stupid army -10, Ryougi -9, The Inker -9, stratosphere -9, shrurur -8, plester -3, Mirinos -5, southrim +21, DarthVantos +7, Omnicent -6, cubicZirconium -6, deathkey3 -10, and 6 more...
Posted on 23 October 2013, 16:54 by:
tkhang Score
Base +15, Zaolao +8, Mirinos +5, grimbot -6, FoToN +12, =0w0= +8, Denjiro +10
Posted on 23 October 2013, 16:54 by:
Guestoid Score
Base +10, stupid army +10, Zaolao +8, tcvds +8, EricWolfan214 -9, plester +3, Mirinos +5, FoToN +12, =0w0= +8, troybayliss +7, meirus +6, Denjiro +10, Paizurikin -8, and 6 more...
Posted on 23 October 2013, 18:05 by:
colossol Score
Base +11, stupid army +10, Ryougi +9, Zaolao +8, plester +3, =0w0= +8, Mirinos +5, FoToN +12, Clying Funt +9, Erisie +9, troybayliss +7, Trucidation +6, Toastkoro +7, and 14 more...
Posted on 23 October 2013, 17:28 by:
sike69 Score
Base +7, Ntr2Oppai +2, Zaolao +8, Ryougi +9, plester +3, =0w0= -8, Mirinos -5, MC Arisato +6, derpfap123 +7, Subsrulez -7, Denjiro +10, europasie -6, anotherrandomanon +6, and 8 more...
Posted on 23 October 2013, 17:00 by:
Palaxius Score
Base +19, rudolfonse +10, stupid army +10, plester +3, Denjiro +10
Base +8, stupid army +10, Zaolao +8, shinangels +9, =0w0= +8, Mirinos +5, FoToN +12, Denjiro +10, annacanna -8, Xerxis +8, Ozma01 -8
Posted on 23 October 2013, 17:07 by:
t3tsu Score
Base +10, stupid army +10, Zaolao +8, Ico13 +6, hihohahi +15, plester +3, Z.G. +10, shinangels +9, Pak Her +11, =0w0= +8, Mirinos +5, FoToN +12, Provina +4, and 12 more...
Base +8, EricWolfan214 +9, FoToN +12, =0w0= +8, Violentin +9, Denjiro +10, Seppor +5, Refyrsen +12
Posted on 23 October 2013, 18:25 by:
Flammz Score
Base +7, Ryougi +9, Z.G. +10, =0w0= +8, Mirinos +5, FoToN +12, stratosphere +9, grimbot -6, Zaolao +7, troybayliss +7, Denjiro +10, crazymagic +11, Ozma01 -8
Posted on 23 October 2013, 19:38 by:
Arrys Score
Base +15, Z.G. -10, FoToN -12, cubicZirconium +6, Denjiro -10, Paizurikin -8, JustHater +4, Darthnader18 +7, Refyrsen +12
Posted on 23 October 2013, 20:27 by:
opact Score
Base +9, shinangels +9, Mirinos +5, grimbot -6, =0w0= +8, blach4ze +4, Denjiro +10, Gtzgold +6, Darthnader18 +7
Posted on 23 October 2013, 20:31 by:
Brego1 Score
Base +7, Mirinos +5, FoToN +12, grimbot -6, =0w0= +8, incarose -6, Denjiro +10, Seppor +5, Darthnader18 +7
Posted on 23 October 2013, 21:19 by:
nasd90 Score
Base +7, Z.G. +10, RIGEL1 +3, shinangels +9, =0w0= -8, Mirinos -5, MC Arisato +6, grimbot +6, KaiserBuliwyf +7, cubicZirconium -6, blach4ze +4, Denjiro +10, Paizurikin +8, and 6 more...
Base +7, shinangels +9, MC Arisato +6, VanillaFetish +6, blach4ze +4, Denjiro +10, europasie -6, Nashiki18 +6, stopwatch +6, Xerxis -8, Mao M. +6, Refyrsen +12
Base +9, FoToN +12, grimbot -6, Denjiro +10, Seppor +5, stopwatch +6
Posted on 25 October 2013, 18:40 by:
DualGlint Score
Base +5, FoToN +12, Denjiro +10, Seppor +5, stopwatch +6
Posted on 26 October 2013, 02:07 by:
Mx4_1204 Score
Base +9, FoToN +12, ZethValentine -6, kageganon +6, blach4ze +4, Denjiro +10, Paizurikin -8, Seppor +5, Karnoffel +8, Refyrsen +12
Posted on 16 March 2014, 16:12 by:
ntrhater Score
Base +1, cubicZirconium -6, TRJ -6, Wo0t -7, EricWolfan214 -8, blach4ze -4, SightlierGravy +5, Denjiro -10, Paizurikin +8, crazymagic -11, Seppor -5, MCHamon -2, Gtzgold -6
Base +6, rndomguy +3, Refyrsen +12
Last edited on 27 June 2015, 22:11.
Base +2, Paizurikin -8, Xerxis -8, wasabi499 -4, CeilingCat95 +8, MCHamon +2, Karnoffel -8, bergil -6, stopwatch +6, Refyrsen +12
Posted on 09 November 2015, 16:58 by:
beowulfk Score
Base +6, stopwatch +6
Base +6, Jisatu +6, Seppor +5
Posted on 30 August 2016, 12:15 by:
pihip Score
Base +6, Karnoffel +8, bergil -6, Refyrsen +12