#012 of MW Comics, this is the 5th volume of "Carina no Bouken (Magic World - Adventure of Carina)", the first book released by this publisher (the past 4 is made/remade by France Shoin, and the earliest two by Tatsumi, date back to 1989). Despite the last volume of the series is out sometime in 2006, the series didn't actually end, more side stories are made by the artist, and the artist hinted the possibility of future chapters.
Commissioned by Commander.C (来看看) from comic-han. PM me if you would like to commission a physical scan for missing works/quality upgrade or any DRM-free PDF rip.
info on mugi: http://www.doujinshi.org/book/23794/
To support the artist, get a copy from: http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/4861351790/
====================== Related galleries: Tatsumi ver. Vol.1, Vol.2 (n/a)
France-shoin ver. Vol.1 (remade), Vol.2 (remade), Vol.3, Vol.4 (note France-shoin version is bunko/A6 sized. These four volumes are later remastered and sold digitally by Kaiohsha, but no physical remastered version made)