AmaterasuxTsukoyomi, he can't do that. These two comics were given out for free on the website, but the Maggs series is one of the many from MTJPub that you have to pay for.
Although I didn't like this that much I couldn't help but notice that the silhouette of the guy on the cover looks like Gannen in the game over screen in The adventures of Zelda 2 on the NES. Just remove the monocle and put pointy ears on him.
These comics are rare, due to their specific content and unreasonable prices. I can't imagine there are many people able to pay $10-$20 per comic for this stuff. Most of it isn't this high quality.
Base +9, sunshineandlolipops +7, anon5678 +3, marki-t +5, Dremt +7
I'm impressed; the tickle genre doesn't usually get such high quality art. I do have one caveat. Each girl gets a "segment" of 4 to 5 pages. The way the art style changes in the middle of a couple of them is jarring. For the first, the "spy", 2 pages are in one style, then 2 pages are in a different style, and i'm simply not really a fan of the latter. The same goes for the red-haired "hillbilly"; i couldn't even tell at first that it's supposed to be the same character. I'd recommend at least sticking to one style per segment.