Who says I need to be able to draw to enjoy looking at hentai and besides you haven't uploaded anything to compare let alone any of your own drawings and it is 'can only say' not 'can only saying' c_C
OH! And no. I do not go by the name of Mort (*C_C*)
@Ayasesama But jagghernaut hasn't shown any of his drawings so why the respect? And he is the one saying bad things, not me. Your comment is completely irrelevant.
@jagghernaut Well...between an artist who CAN draw a sexy milf and a random lurker who can only saying s**t without actually showing his own capability to draw...I don't think i need to point out who's the useless one...
@Monzmay I'm commenting jagghernaut's comment, because i respect those who have the courage to show their drawing even if they're...bad,because they have the courage to do so, rather than someone who can't but saying terrible things...And yes, you can enjoy hentai without being able to draw, however...why do you get angry when i criticize the person who mock your gallery contents? Unless jagghernaut is your...(fill the blank yourself) BTW, I CAN draw, it's just my drawing will probably inappropriate for the h gallery. Just go here http://nyuutopia.deviantart.com/ or http://nyuutopia.blogspot.com/. And sorry for my bad English, since I'm not a native English speaker.
In case anyone is confused about this gallery: it's a collection of short stories and pictures. You won't find much more here than some suggestive pics. (Without these few pics, this could easily go into the non-H category.)