Would it be possible to ask for a higher res scan of this? Preferably in 300 DPI grayscale if possible. It should hopefully increase the scan quality for anyone interested.
EDIT: If you can scan them in 600 DPI. I can try to fix whatever weird issues you might have. If possible. Please save the files in .png for lossless quality.
EDIT2: Tinkered around with the improved scan a little. Can you please check your forum inbox @uploader?
EDIT3: 10/10 Release now that it has been brushed up. Thanks!
i have scanned them at 300 dpi grayscale and it does look much better!!!!!!!!! :D
@ salarPM
thanks. i am scanning them again right now. indeed, they look much better.
@ DarkMulletFist
i think the guy who is doing this is doing other doujins but i am not intrested in them cause i have no idea what characters i am looking at. on the other hand, the art in them is very good!!!!!!!!! the arcon.quee has an image with doujins on it. one of them seems like a new female itachi CG set. however, i can not find it for the life of me even though i want to buy it. here is a link to it http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/5302/ygld.jpg
It sucks Arcon hasn't done any naruto stuff in awhile, you can't even get on his old naruto pic site anymore to look at all his naruto art, real shame. Oh well at least we have his pixiv, plus his doujins. arcon.quee I think the sites called, if anyone could get on it and put all the naruto pics here that be awesome.
@Asssde Sent you a message regarding pics. Check your messages on the forums as soon as you can.