Base +5, bosomlover200 -4, Kenyenzie +8, Bejek +1, janusi -14, ssjhunterkiller -7, Dommol -7, baphomael -9, yoshimaya2 -6, F-O-X -6, Fenrir_1 -2, Naru42 -6, MeloTheYellow +6, and 4 more...
Posted on 12 December 2013, 01:18 by:
Nack Score
Base +10, joe375 +7, Bigd +10, bosomlover200 -4, Bearu +7, tehdude -9, Kenyenzie +8, Bejek +1, Dommol -7, happypants123546 +9, robert971 +5, blagblag +8, meatmerchant +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 12 December 2013, 03:56 by:
NESFami Score
Base +4, Kenyenzie +8, Shozo +7, Dommol -7, Mizu_Fox +2, younglad -6, Naru42 +6
Base +9, Bejek +1, Dommol -7, Maximum_Joe -39, Naru42 -6, MeloTheYellow +6
Base +6, Dommol +7, Naru42 +6
Base +5, Fat Dragon 13 +6, younglad +6, Naru42 +6