Base +8, LMAC +9, Ativ +5, rawrmon +8, Tove +10, kingwolf +23, Mukouda -8, blagblag +8, lostlegoman -8, trex3000 +6, Buttlad +6, Garm88 +1, somercet +5, and 4 more...
Base +3, navesto +7, Tove +10, kingwolf +23, russell357 +11, TheSadHatter +6, lostlegoman +8, trex3000 +6, Buttlad +6, Souloname +7, Stormblaze69 +1, Senor Pwnage +7, Tempestaxion -8, and 1 more...
Posted on 18 December 2013, 14:37 by:
NoPanties Score
Base +6, sissam +2, EisakuOtani +7, Thidran +13, dragonite21 +9, Chained +8, FMS1011 +7, prelien23 +8, Kier +11, Bloodrose754 +6, lostlegoman +11, Moku -10, The M +9, and 30 more...
Base +9, sissam +2, trex3000 +6, somercet +5, Elder Mask -6
Posted on 18 December 2013, 15:26 by:
Bejek Score
Base +1, malesur -9, Warrior90 -9, navesto -7, Thidran -13, Kizul Emeraldfire -9, Jakkuzarippa -9, Bloodrose754 -6, Pareidolia -5, ZeroKnightmare -8, lukep55 -4, shunkaha -6
Posted on 18 December 2013, 15:26 by:
Lantus Score
Base +10, AnimeLov3rxXx +11, Lancelot01 +8, Thidran +13, pingas007 +8, Chained +8, ukaxsan +12, FMS1011 +7, Kier +11, Driuz +8, samtron10000 +9, lostlegoman +11, The M +9, and 31 more...
Base +14, rawrmon +8, Kier +11, Tove +10, kingwolf +23, 69flavors +8, MADARA-TAKA2 +8, rack119 +9, blagblag +8, McNasty +6, DevilsAdvocate +6, trex3000 +6, no_one_11 +6, and 4 more...
Posted on 19 December 2013, 01:10 by:
Name Fail Score
Base +7, xw1as +6, trex3000 +6, Tempestaxion +8
Posted on 19 December 2013, 02:40 by:
Base +9, Driuz +8, russell357 +11, MakotoIrving +6, xw1as +6, trex3000 +6, Powerly_Powa +7, no_one_11 +6, DragonLover88 +6, momongasama71 +1
Posted on 19 December 2013, 05:46 by:
EcksyDee Score
Base +7, Scaurus +8, xw1as +6, DevilsAdvocate +6, trex3000 +6, amor-al-hentai +6, DragonLover88 +6
Posted on 24 December 2013, 06:05 by:
xtmm Score
Base +11, trex3000 +6, ronathani -14