The lineart could be improved too, and everything in general, but for me the most distracting thing was the colors and random textures. I would even prefer to see this thing greyscale."
Well, since it's about a *Magenta* Maiden, greyscale is a non-starter. Also, since this was a practice project, I experimented with Inkscape's filters a bit. Still trying to get the hang of this software's bag of tricks.
Guess I'll just have to try another practice project whenever I can come up with a suitable story, and scrape together some free time.
If you really want suggestions I'll give them to you, hope you don't become offended.
Practice more. I can see that you sincerely tried. And I'm sure you will be able to do progressively better I wouldn't know which path you would need to improve first, it's mainly your desition, but if I have to suggest, the thing that turned me more off was the colors and sometimes the randomnly thrown in textures.
The lineart could be improved too, and everything in general, but for me the most distracting thing was the colors and random textures. I would even prefer to see this thing greyscale.
Learning how to draw before making a comic is generally a good idea. Most of the time... not always though.
For real advice? Well...
First... go study the musculature and the mechanical shapes behind the body, there are plenty of great books out there for this. Second, don't rely on the "How to Draw Manga" books, seriously. Third, participate in a life drawing group in your area that uses nude (or almost nude) models. Fourth, go research how to do 'gesture sketching'. Fifth, go back to step one and repeat.