Posted on 20 December 2013, 12:22 by:
Eclissi Score
Base +9, Kenzaki Kazuma +20, Lancelot01 +8, TaggingReader +10, Shades of Blue +6, megahypernova +9, Zarx +11, whasup +6, Umaki +7, Sword Emperor +8, Alteisen Riese +7, Videogamingfreak13 +2, Porokichin66 +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 20 December 2013, 12:39 by:
ulgaming Score
Base +7, Shades of Blue -6, megahypernova +9, Alteisen Riese -7, JohnyXD -11, SightlierGravy -6, FJoker -6, Rose Garden -10, sweetflan -6, twinkletoe111 -7
Posted on 20 December 2013, 18:45 by:
flamkis Score
Base +4, Shades of Blue -6, zonedout93 +5, Kiranta -8, HBK_XXII -6, Azura Meta +6, whasup +6, Alteisen Riese -7, vastolordzen -6, Ooe Kintarou -4, JohnyXD -11, nii_ -5, FJoker -6, and 2 more...
Base +8, megahypernova +9, whasup -6, khrizto -6, Blue Exile -6, trackho -6, surted +14, Alteisen Riese -7, EngQuimica +8, sideshow bob +6, Ooe Kintarou +4, JohnyXD -11, kasaix +6, and 10 more...
Posted on 21 December 2013, 05:11 by:
safety00 Score
Base +9, megahypernova +9, Kiranta +8, Kinonome +4, mar2503 +7, 1776XKCD +4, HBK_XXII +6, Zarx +11, TaggingReader +10, whasup +6, Umaki +7, Gahasa +11, Sword Emperor +8, and 55 more...
Base +4, megahypernova +9, Pureblood89 +9, Misaki per +9, Blue Exile +7, Zarx +11, whasup +6, SuperHuy +11, Thaitop_EH +5, MD79 +2, Ooe Kintarou +4, kasaix +6, Rose Garden +10, and 4 more...
Posted on 21 December 2013, 14:00 by:
PKLove23 Score
Base +5, TaggingReader +10, whasup +6, SuperHuy +11, Umaki +7, Victor DoUrden +10, Cylade +6, oneiwonder +5, Asarta +6, plam +7, Tenrito +5, Nexev +7, Vanguard3125 +6, and 22 more...
Base +1, trackho +6, mrd3vil +7, bahki +6, Karkhouv -6, MD98 +5, JohnyXD -11, Sh@doW -6, DinkDragon +5
Posted on 24 April 2014, 17:21 by:
Enki17 Score
Base +9, Lolimaster +8, MD79 +2, JohnyXD -11, sweetflan +6, nignogwindything +7, anonymousMember +6
Base +5, JohnyXD -11, SightlierGravy +6, FJoker -6, Rose Garden +10, nignogwindything -7
Posted on 15 June 2015, 19:49 by:
Prolix12 Score
Base +6, JohnyXD -11, FJoker -6, Rose Garden -10
Posted on 04 January 2021, 02:22 by:
Aelth Score
Base +6