Posted on 27 December 2013, 20:14 by:
Mequemo Posted on 14 November 2012, 21:36 by:
Kiriax Score
Base +11, Crimson93 +7, Oscuro +6, maleh +13, Masterbot +9, Fayt42 +9, Starro +6, The Naughty Shrink +9, jacksonville +26, suppleness +9, HornyDragon +10, danixxx +31, IvanZ +5, and 32 more...
Base +7, IvanZ +5, Andog +8, Desod +8, hacklol +5
Posted on 14 November 2012, 21:48 by:
JekaZ Score
Base +15, Supergang +19, Lizardo +8, Ikazu-san +5, Azul7 +6, Fayt42 +9, The Naughty Shrink +9, JukanX +19, lurkbbs +7, hatsue21 +5, suppleness +9, aiwotorimodose +26, lwllw +6, and 65 more...
Posted on 14 November 2012, 21:49 by:
LeodroS Score
Base +8, IvanZ +5, Andog -8
Base +11, Bane13 +18, jaylou1010 +9, IvanZ +5, Desod +8, HentaiM@ster +10, hacklol +5, Maximum_Joe -55, abrickhouse +4
Base +9, IvanZ +5, Sherlockian +8, Andog +8, hacklol +5, bfdbfdbfd -7, glib24 +8, Endykins +7, UnknowDestroyer +7, Driuz +6, MegaMatt95 +2, totaldefence +6, keihirotan +7, and 1 more...
Posted on 14 November 2012, 22:24 by:
ziom236 Score
Base +7, maleh +13, The Naughty Shrink +9, jacksonville +26, aiwotorimodose +26, HornyDragon +10, danixxx +31, Anonymous777 +9, IvanZ +5, IcedMatcha +8, jaylou1010 +9, Zee capten +7, Sherlockian +8, and 29 more...
Base +11, IvanZ +5, IcedMatcha +8, jaylou1010 +9, mojomunkeez +15, Generika +12, Sherlockian +8, Andog -8, The Collector +10, hacklol +5, oneiwonder +6, UnknowDestroyer +7, JSG16 +5, and 6 more...
Base +11, IvanZ +5, Gamazek +7, Andog +8, HentaiM@ster +10, hacklol +5, Driuz -6, Elder Mask +8
Posted on 15 November 2012, 01:05 by:
LokiAlpha Score
Base +8, IvanZ +5, Andog +8, Desod +8, HentaiM@ster +10, hacklol +5, Driuz +6, MegaMatt95 +2, Maximum_Joe -55, totaldefence -6, simplesimon32 -24, abrickhouse -4, kIsho Acrerion Orion -7
Base +8, IvanZ +5, Andog +8, HentaiM@ster +10, hacklol +5, Conkers +8, oneiwonder +6, UnknowDestroyer +7, stupid army +10, Enki17 +9, Driuz +6, totaldefence +6, keihirotan +7, and 1 more...
Posted on 15 November 2012, 03:02 by:
sarlok Score
Base +8, Generika +12, chow.nom.nom +7, Ilia_ +12, Andog +8, HentaiM@ster +10, H-Knight +9, AuthlimOfXvim +6, clp +7, Raduuh +10, hacklol +5, Conkers +8, Megaton +10, and 15 more...
Posted on 15 November 2012, 03:34 by:
Yosh_ Score
Base +8, IvanZ +5, Andog -8, Enki17 -9, totaldefence -6, abrickhouse +4, kIsho Acrerion Orion +7
Base +9, IvanZ +5, Andog -8
Posted on 15 November 2012, 04:19 by:
geshpenst Score
Base +9, Andog -8, zahentai +5, Mequemo +10, ifreat +6
Posted on 15 November 2012, 04:50 by:
Ahsab Score
Base +12, jacksonville +26, IvanZ +5, IcedMatcha +8, jaylou1010 +9, chow.nom.nom +7, Sherlockian +8, Ilia_ +12, Andog +8, hacklol +5, FreeloaderEX +8, oneiwonder +6, UnknowDestroyer +7, and 12 more...
Base +13, IvanZ +5, Midgardsormr +9, jaylou1010 +9, Andog -8, HentaiM@ster +10, Mr C +9, hacklol +5, Enki17 +9, Driuz +6, totaldefence +6
Base +9, IvanZ +5, Andog -8, hacklol +5, casurin +10, UnknowDestroyer +7, Driuz +6, MegaMatt95 +2, simplesimon32 +15, Maximum_Joe +55, totaldefence +6, pl0 +4, Z-Bunny +7, and 2 more...
Base +31, Gamazek +7, jaylou1010 +9, mojomunkeez +15, Generika +12, IvanZ +5, chow.nom.nom +7, Sherlockian +8, Andog +8, Zelinko +11, HentaiM@ster +10, hacklol +5, Conkers +8, and 14 more...
Posted on 15 November 2012, 13:51 by:
yunax12 Score
Base +9, IvanZ +5, Andog -8, abrickhouse -4
Posted on 17 November 2012, 09:24 by:
iceforge Score
Base +10, IvanZ +5, chow.nom.nom +7, Andog +8, HentaiM@ster +10, hacklol +5, Driuz +6, MegaMatt95 +2, keihirotan +7
Base +17, IvanZ +5, Andog +8, AuthlimOfXvim +6, hacklol +5, Driuz +6, MegaMatt95 +2, totaldefence +6, pl0 +4, keihirotan +7, abrickhouse +4
Base +13, Andog -8, Driuz +6, abrickhouse +4
Base +8, Andog -8, GentlemanJohnson +7, Driuz +6, abrickhouse +4
Base +3, Hurp Durp +11, Crystalium +6, ifreat +6, Driuz +6, Maximum_Joe -55, Nithron +5, totaldefence +6, aubrie paterson +6, AkaiKurai +7, kIsho Acrerion Orion -7
Posted on 27 December 2013, 23:04 by:
rootgnawa Score
Base +10, Crystalium +6, Driuz +6
Posted on 27 December 2013, 23:14 by:
scuba356 Score
Base +5
Base +11, Hurp Durp +11, hacklol +5, casurin +10, sneikkimies +7
Posted on 28 December 2013, 00:36 by:
Bloobz Score
Base +5
Posted on 28 December 2013, 00:57 by:
urawa Score
Base +7, Crystalium +6, oneiwonder +6, Winter-Bee +1, GentlemanJohnson +7, runedscope +8, Enki17 +9, Driuz +6, MegaMatt95 +2, simplesimon32 +15, Nithron +5, keihirotan +7
Posted on 28 December 2013, 02:32 by:
8050 Score
Base +8, Driuz +6
Posted on 28 December 2013, 08:55 by:
Hezard Score
Base +9, saviliana +8, Driuz +6, animefan69 +6, JackytehLurker -6, kiwino -14, kIsho Acrerion Orion -7
Posted on 30 December 2013, 12:07 by:
RGR11 Score
Base +6, GreenBanana +6, abrickhouse +4
Posted on 03 January 2014, 16:40 by:
piyin Score
Base +18, ifreat +6, Driuz +6, Sturmjager +9, Nithron +5, keihirotan +7
Posted on 04 January 2014, 09:59 by:
B0nd Score
Base +12, Driuz +6, Nithron +5, keihirotan +7
Posted on 27 March 2021, 10:57 by:
elgringo Score
Base +67