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[HungrySuccubus] Kala Venus

Posted:2013-12-28 17:17
File Size:13.99 MiB
Length:7 pages
Favorited:49 times
Average: 2.41

Showing 1 - 7 of 7 images

Posted on 28 December 2013, 19:54 by:   ramza91    PM
Score +14
Lovely vore comic,never see this artist either.
Posted on 29 December 2013, 22:13 by:   tsunamisan    PM
Score +14
Well considering you didnt payed for the commission an being the artist alone does no grant her the privilege to throw the art anywhere she likes when other have payed for it.

If i wanted my commissions on the net i would post them myself but they are not meant to be used or spread around. And posting work someone else has payed to commission is disrespectful.

especially since its available on my site an her on

I still ask you remove it.

What is the site it is on if it is not deviantart then its not supposed to be there.

Edit: Think i would care is it wasn't my art. I payed for it so the artist has no legal rights to it after it leaves their hands.

Edit2: that may or may not be true but you have no claim whatsoever to the artwork. And you are infringing on the copyright by just re-posting this. Items on Deviant art are meant to view not reproduce for your own personal gain.
Posted on 29 December 2013, 21:18 by:   Maximum_Joe    PM
Score +94
With all due respect, this comic was (and still is) openly available on a public website by the artist's own volition before I brought it here.

Edit: This site has never once cared who has paid for what. If you have an issue with how these images are redistributed then speak with the copyright holder, not me.
Edit2: You have it backwards, the artist is freelance so they would need to explicitly give you copyright as it is not granted automatically:
Posted on 29 December 2013, 07:17 by:   angrybull    PM
Score +2
Is this chick a bulbasaur or something?
Posted on 10 January 2014, 21:57 by:   HungrySuccubus    PM
Score +35
@Maximum_Joe While I appreciate the fact that you would willingly love to share this comic with all of e-hentai (which is really cool in my book!), I am not an idiot. When Tsunamisan commissioned me I told him (which is in writing and is legally binding, you might notice) that he retains complete control over the comic, so long as it is not edited, resold, or claimed as his own work. I retain control of my character (the big blonde) and he retains control of his (the catgirl), but the comic as a whole, and where it is displayed, is up to him. That means that, unfortunately, if he would not like it posted here, it is his decision and it would be very sweet of you if you would please remove it! Thank you for sharing it though; it means a lot that something like MY work would end up on a site like this <3
As for it being available on a public website, well it is; in MY gallery. It was an agreement that we came to, that I was allowed to upload it to my galleries at my discretion, and the rest of the upload decisions were left to Tsunamisan. Please respect his wishes c:

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