What Touhou is: a series of games which features normally only female characters What anybody would expect: a ton of yuri doujins But what everyone actually see: a kiloton of immensely boring Touhou futa doujins What this doujin is: pure win, awesome rarity When this doujin will be translated: never (almost certain), unless you speak Chinese or Korean What very probably will happen to this comment: get downvoted by sensitive butthurt futafaggots (Touhou doujins for them are serious business)
@EDIT @Zelinko "OH I see what you're trying now. Trying to get goodwill so you can get voting power so your shilling for CGRascal is harder to vote down.
Considering in your Reviews for Futanari you come off as a rabid homophobe it's ironic that you're approving of Female homosexuality. ":
Maybe you futafags cannot read or come with arguments that aren't based on your fantasies. I never have said that futanari is horrible. What i have always pointed is such behavior from problematic readers, which are called "futa zealots" or "futafags". To avoid more misunderstandings here, let me summarize the difference between futa zealots and furfags:
Futa zealots constantly demands horrible futa doujins, not for quality or art, but for satisfying their uncontrolable homossexual desires to see tranny cocks, always try to confuse anyone saying futa is yuri (total foolishness, not worth a single comment), labels anyone with a single opinion contrary to them as "bigots", "homophobic" as a proof of sexual insecurity and have an asinine persecution complex ("BAWWW TOUHOU DOUJINS RUINED BY FACELESS BROTAGONISTS RAPE FAD")
Furfags constantly demands horrible furry doujins, not for quality or art, but for satisfying their uncontrolable homossexual desires to see animal cocks, always try to confuse anyone saying furry porn is normal porn (total foolishness, not worth a single comment), labels anyone with a single opinion contrary to them as "bigots", "homophobic" as a proof of sexual insecurity and have an asinine persecution complex ("BAWWW FURSECUTION")
Note that i haven't again insulted anyone fetish here, and i don't need to do this, because this is not the point of this opinion. The point is the existence of some individuals who take so seriously any form of good or bad entertainment, looking like autistics, or with repressed homossexuality, or both. They are so predictable that this comment here got hidden, proof of their butthurt, showing their insecurity on dealing with the reality.
Moral of story: Butthurt futafags, tedious futa (or not futa) doujins and serious business ruin the internet, Touhou and real life.
P.S.: For not saying that i'm against futa, i'll post a link of a Touhou futa doujin that is really good (a chance in one in 1*10^10^10^10^...^10 doujins): /g/368490/13bcb2ae5d/
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