Base +6, twentyboners +5, Drpepperfan +6, Drag00noid +10, Gath88 +6, UnknowDestroyer +5, tcvds +6, faiyah +6, AnimeLUZ +6, onlyregistere -7, Nitramy +5, artysquid +5, wertweet +8, and 6 more...
Posted on 10 January 2014, 11:15 by:
White Len Score
Base +6, fatepain +12, UnknowDestroyer +5, yaoiboi +4, artysquid +5, faggotenabler +4, shimapandaa +3, MechWarriorNY +7
Posted on 10 January 2014, 11:52 by:
Rowbot Score
Base +6, Nitramy +5, fatepain +12, UnknowDestroyer +5, tcvds +6, Lakota +7, faiyah +6, Mauser +14, Blackiris39 +6, AnimeLUZ +6, onlyregistere +7, Famenag +6, IvanZ +5, and 23 more...
Base +6, yaoiboi +4, artysquid +5, faggotenabler +4, MechWarriorNY +7, shinnosuke1684 +6
Posted on 10 January 2014, 12:29 by:
Khenislev Score
Base +7, fatepain +12, faylan7 +3, UnknowDestroyer +5, tcvds +6, Person8 +7, Blackiris39 +6, Elbowsmash +6, tgsos +8, aliolisasha +1, wertweet +7, artysquid +5, Trusty Rusty +4, and 11 more...
Base +9, Person8 +7, Mauser +14, quandox +6, onlyregistere +7, Famenag +6, Elbowsmash +6, Vajn +6, Nitramy +5, Kabdra +8, fatepain +12, DrunkenWeeb +6, UnknowDestroyer +5, and 8 more...
Base +5, fatepain +12, UnknowDestroyer +5, Blackiris39 +6, artysquid +5, MechWarriorNY +7
Posted on 05 February 2015, 12:02 by:
Ddddanm Score
Base +4, Randomguy664 -12, Mantama -8, Nitramy -6, John Tank -16, Shinryu-Rex -11, CommunistPotato -11
Base +6, John Tank +16, vini-kun +6, denliner27 +8, Nitramy +6