Text translation, credit someone here http://boards.4chan.org/h/thread/3737372
Each --- is a new page
--- 僕のアスカとレイ 『共同性活』 My Asuka and Rei 『Living Together』
--- --- --- --- --- --- あなた達最近調子いいんじゃない you all have been in rather good shape lately
そう? oh?
という事でー 三人に共同生活を提言します and sooo- I propose the three of you start living together
はあ? what?!
い・・いきなりなんですか? w-what is this all of a sudden?
あなた達・・ you guys
一線越えたでしょ have gone all the way, haven't you?
別に隠さなくても良いわよ you don't really have to hide it
隠してなんかないわよ we're not hiding
そう? oh really?
--- じゃあ一緒に暮らしてヤりたい事ヤれば? well then, if you lived together wouldn't you get to do *it* whenever you want?
言い方が下品っ! how indecent!
どうせ何か魂胆があるんでしょ anyway you must have some ulterior motive for this
別に not really
魂胆って程の事でもないわ I wouldn't go so far as to say "ulterior motive"
肉体関係によるメンタル面の変化が一連の結果に関係あると見たので共同生活で起こる変化の様子を観るだけの事よ It's just that since we've seen a series of results confirming that your mental condition has changed in accordance with your physical relationship, I want to observe what kind of changes would by brought about by living together.
--- ようは管理下に置きたいだけでしょ so in short, you just want to put us under your supervision
まあそんな所ね… well, I guess that's not wrong...
バッカみたい isn't it dumb!
大人ってそうやって何でもかんでも adults always getting their own way with everything!
よく断らなかったね you didn't exactly put your foot down...
せっかく箱庭を用意してあげるって言うんだから well, they promised to prepare the miniature garden for us after all
乗っかってればいいのよ if we get to go there then I'm fine
それが・・・ but...
--- 偽りの楽園だとしても? even though it's a fake paradise?
はあ? 何意味有りげな事言ってんの? huh? and just what are you trying to imply?
楽しく暮らせればソレで良いんじゃないの it's fine as long as we enjoy ourselves
嫌なら出て行けば?シンジは私がもらっとくわ if you don't like it then how about you leave? I'll just take shinji for myself
ちょ・・ wait...
アスカ・・? asuka...? --- いいじゃない したい事しようよっ it's fine let's just do what we want
ア・・アスカ・・ a...asuka
だ・・だめだよ・・・ no...stop...
なんで? そんな事言いながらすごい興奮してるじゃない why? while you're saying that, aren't you getting rather aroused?
ほらほら~ heyyy~
入れちゃうよ~ put it iiin~
ちょっ・・あっ wait... ah- --- this page is all random noises except asuka's line in the middle panel
ねぇ・・ほらぁ・・突き上げて hey... thrust it in --- シンジっ shinji!
いい it's good
気持ちいいっ it feels so gooood!
シンジぃいいっ shinjiiii!
もっと・・ もっとズコズコしてぇ harder... do it harder!
ちょっ・・アスカ・・そんなに wait... asuka... if you- --- ホント・・ really...
鬱陶しいわね you're so depressing
いつまでそうやって・・ how long are you going to do that...
黙って突っ立ってんのよ・・・ just stand there silently?
何も言わなくても私なら抱いてもれえるとか思ってんでしょ you think that he'll make love to you just because you're you, without you even having to say anything
そんな事・・ that's not... --- あんたのそういう特権意識がホンっと気に入らないのよ I *really* don't like that entitled attitude of yours
ちょっとアスカっ asuka, wait!
アスカっ そんな言い方無いだろっ asuka! don't say things like that!
フン・・ hmm?
キタならしく濡らしておいて just look at how wet you are
欲しいんなら if you want it
チンポ下さいって口に出して言いなさいよ then say "give me your cock"
あ~あ・・興ざめだわ・・ ah, what a bore
お・・おい h-hey...
ごめんなさい I'm sorry
碇くん ikari-kun --- わたしにも・・ me too...
・・・入れて・・・ ...put it in...
綾波・・・ ayanami...
何よ what?
勝手にすれば if you're going to do as you like
あたしシャワー浴びてるわ I'm just going to take a shower --- (in case you care, all of the sex vocalizations they make this doujin are one of the following: "a" "aa" "aaa" "haa" "aha" "ahaa" "ahaaa" "an" "aan" "n" "nn" "ku" "gu" "ngu" "u" "uu") --- --- 何やってんのあたし・・・ what am I doing...?
嫌な女・・ I'm an awful person...
さっきはごめん・・・ I'm sorry for before...
なんであんたが謝るのよ why are you the one apologizing?
えと・・その um...well...
まったく・・そうやって何でもかんでも謝ればいいと思ってんじゃない?ムカつくっ jeez... now you thought it'd be fine if you just apologize for anything and everything? that pisses me off
そんな事・・・ th- that's too...
クス・・ heh --- うそよっ I'm just joking
あたしも悪かったわ I'm sorry for before too.
アスカ・・・ asuka...
よくこんな時に立てられるわね it seems at this sort of moment you're "standing up" rather well
あっ・・や・・・なんかホっとしたら ah- this- somehow when I felt relieved...
まったく・・・とんだヘンタイね really, you're such a pervert --- くっ・・アスカ気持ちいいよ ooh... asuka, it feels so good
http://www.doujinshi.org/book/641516/Boku-no-Asuka-to-Rei-Kyoudou-Seikatsu/ http://www.doujinshi.org/book/645641/ English Translation: /g/773392/9c3206e9f4/