Posted on 17 January 2014, 01:53 by:
narjion Score
Base +1, westlander +5, Rolllives -6, HellChaplain -5, HXW +7, Nyaomi +5, thejakeman -4, oppaibakka +5, Pumpking +5, baphomael +7, SigmaXXVII +6, Paizurikin +8, MrSaunders -6, and 6 more...
Posted on 17 January 2014, 04:53 by:
aradagi Score
Base +6, westlander +5, OccamsSword +5, Rolllives -6, HellChaplain -5, HXW +7, Lakki +3, Nyaomi +5, thejakeman -4, oppaibakka +5, ZHKC21 +4, Pumpking +5, baphomael +7, and 8 more...
Posted on 19 April 2015, 13:11 by:
loc0 Score
Base +7, MrSaunders +6, VyceSin -6, jmicdizz +6, Gunnal -7, Kight -14, Flack58 -7, Servatus -8, CookieofDooom -6, Mongloom67 -5
Posted on 10 November 2020, 02:17 by:
AtomicBun Score
Base +3, CookieofDooom -6