Base +6, captcarisma +7, widowchaser +7, janusi +16, khrizto -6, mooplololol +7, Zero Angel +38, popcorn99 +6, jaylou1010 +12, JRockefeller +12, Val_Hallen +3, RightSideUp +10, tentacle-man61 +24, and 34 more...
Posted on 06 February 2013, 04:34 by:
psyburn21 Score
Base +14, widowchaser +7, janusi +16, hen-toy +9, p187 +10, mrd3vil +9, Golberg_619 +7, JRockefeller +10, kyimata +7, mooplololol +7, popcorn99 +6, Gui Cogo -18, RightSideUp +10, and 39 more...
Base +7, khrizto +6, captcarisma +7, Zero Angel +38, jaylou1010 +12, tentacle-man61 +24, pervido +17, danixxx +35, Sushilicious +35, lazyCrab +5, saintabe +10, naishobreaker +5, KirschWaser18 +7, and 37 more...
Posted on 05 February 2013, 22:05 by:
U-Jin Score
Base +9, 20boners +6, jaylou1010 +12, tentacle-man61 +24, Sushilicious +35, Buraku-chan +12, WhatEver99999 +10, Zero Angel +36, Mr.Pencil +8, Denys-kun +8, Silvie +13, tormagnum +7, Chamma +4, and 6 more...
Posted on 05 February 2013, 22:08 by:
Xarniwoop Score
Base +8, janusi +16, mooplololol +7, glain64 -7, Dustfinger +10, khrizto -6, DefteraMT -7, captcarisma -7, Palaxius +20, Gui Cogo +18, Natsam -11, Tenchi Ryu +7, stupid army +9, and 21 more...
Posted on 05 February 2013, 23:45 by:
Akres Score
Base +9, DefteraMT -7, Natsam -10, captcarisma -7, Palaxius -20, danixxx -34, tentacle-man61 -24, skeksis -9, StillWind -14, Ryougi -9, koihiribito -6, legnakrad -7
Base +4, mooplololol -7, Palaxius -20, Tenchi Ryu -7, tentacle-man61 -24, koihiribito -6, stupid army -6, waltergeist -8
Posted on 04 September 2013, 19:53 by:
smartz118 Score
Base +7, mooplololol -7, ronald809 +1, zukuenft -9, Ken1ch1 -4, tentacle-man61 -24, koihiribito -6, magico alverman -8, waltergeist -8, todd67 +4
Posted on 06 February 2013, 14:52 by:
Veda Score
Base +7, mooplololol +7, Zero Angel +38, jaylou1010 +12, tentacle-man61 +24, danixxx +35, Sushilicious +35, virgo2725 +1, derpderp2 +9, Buraku-chan +12, WhatEver99999 +10, Mr.Pencil +8, Mirinos +4, and 10 more...
Base +7, mooplololol +7, Zero Angel +38, jaylou1010 +12, tentacle-man61 +24, pervido +17, danixxx +35, Sushilicious +35, tormagnum +9, virgo2725 +1, Moe Zayik +28, derpderp2 +9, futzxx -8, and 17 more...
Posted on 07 February 2013, 03:36 by:
sandyface Score
Base +11, Zero Angel +38, Sushilicious +35, virgo2725 +1, extremophile +5
Base +6, tentacle-man61 +24, Zero Angel +38, Sushilicious +35, virgo2725 +1, Buraku-chan +12, WhatEver99999 +10, tormagnum +7, Chamma +4
Posted on 14 March 2013, 20:43 by:
Reias Score
Base +8, Tenchi Ryu +7, tentacle-man61 +24, Andate +10, JackM2000 +1, virgo2725 +1, Kiranta +8, Denys-kun +8, SlenderDr +4, yiyoiyi +7, extremophile +5
Posted on 14 March 2013, 22:02 by:
2Hip Score
Base +9, tentacle-man61 +24, virgo2725 +1, futzxx +8
Base +6, virgo2725 +1, Kiranta +8, Denys-kun +8
Posted on 15 March 2013, 10:52 by:
Keith13 Score
Base +8, virgo2725 +1, Nicaeea +8
Posted on 12 May 2013, 19:43 by:
Redlar Score
Base +7, virgo2725 +1, Terrytmk +5, sound kakashi +6, Zero Angel +36, Chamma +4, ziggyb +7, TBBucs20 +6
Base +12, virgo2725 +1, Denys-kun +8, ziggyb +7
Posted on 13 May 2013, 09:20 by:
kamou Score
Base +11, virgo2725 +1, addabug +5, Insectdevil +9
Base +9, zenyaku +11, stupid army +10, ecallawkune -6, war15 -8
Base +7, Kiranta -8, Amakawa_Yuuto -16, Palaxius -29, stupid army -6, war15 -8, Vivi1993 -12
Base +9, Denys-kun +8, Palaxius -31, Chips Handon -6, war15 -8, plasss +7, MelmothTheWanderer +33
Base +8, Omnilordxvi +9, Omnomnom +13, Aldanders +4, extremophile +5, BFBK +1
Base +7, Ryougi -9, Ryo75 -6, wjxxhulka66n6 -8, Giangiotto -9, stupid army +6, Palaxius -29, waltergeist -8
Posted on 03 September 2013, 20:22 by:
Bostik Score
Base +6, ziggyb +7
Posted on 04 September 2013, 21:54 by:
Lilelmo75 Score
Base +5
Base +11, Warrior90 +9, Denys-kun +8, Omnilordxvi +9, extremophile +5, BFBK +1, AnonXtaku999 +7, tgsos +8, ShadowJ +5, Violentin +9, oheye +9, war15 +8
Posted on 17 September 2013, 15:05 by:
troll445 Score
Base +7, stupid army +6, ecallawkune +6, hermit20 +6, rjimenez666 -2, Palaxius +31, ShadowJ +5, MD79 +2, oieusahuhsa +7, hinoarashi -7, war15 +8, jere512 +6, todd67 +4
Base +1, EdoubleT +7, Ryougi +8, todd67 +4, boag +6
Base +4, dubbers +7, MD79 +2
Posted on 04 May 2014, 09:30 by:
Wurtang Score
Base +2, t3rpp4 +6, oieusahuhsa -7, war15 -8
Posted on 19 February 2015, 08:23 by:
rcaladlr Score
Base +6, coleccionista903 +6, hinoarashi +6, Nicaeea +8, juevy +9, ULQUIORRA182 +6, TBBucs20 +6
Posted on 14 November 2015, 00:19 by:
grifon Score
Base +7, ULQUIORRA182 +6, TBBucs20 +6, Nicaeea +8, AzertyPorto +8
Posted on 07 September 2017, 23:01 by:
grifon Score
Base +7
Posted on 04 June 2018, 05:26 by:
gansta Score
Base +34