Posted on 26 January 2014, 15:05 by:
maipantsu Posted on 26 January 2014, 21:09 by:
sprech4 Score
Base +6, Hairs Fan +48, damyan +8, 8jposfolifas +5, DonPain +2, Whatdo +6, knolli +13, heh...narto +5, hotdog22 +7, Sealener48 +6, 20200 +26, ShyNeetOdin +3, plester +4, and 19 more...
Posted on 26 January 2014, 21:17 by:
Base +5, emorogue +1, A Broken Lamp -6, 8jposfolifas -5, e6000 -6, hermit20 +6, iamclu +6, vicky151 -5, Vezirw +5, Bob Aquea +4, tyndus -6, FeelTD +6, Yungnignog +4
Posted on 26 January 2014, 22:35 by:
Hakrei Score
Base +11, 8jposfolifas -5, hermit20 +6, fclo4 -5, Vezirw +5, Bob Aquea +4, malikski +4, kaerFlanA +5, cronur +11
Posted on 26 January 2014, 22:44 by:
Katzius Score
Base +2, A Broken Lamp -6, damyan -8, 8jposfolifas -5, Qnjo +6, AloofSloth -8, zStratos -5, Rosen14 +5, Toastkoro +7, Lucine +6, xDraygon +5, Sirdownloadsalot -6, Sonnenfreunde +5, and 38 more...
Posted on 26 January 2014, 23:10 by:
Saten2 Score
Base +6, myoxy +7, scrappy135 +7, damyan +8, DonPain +2, Sealener48 +6, AccelCrow +12, 20200 +26, Kaos Machina +6, heh...narto +5, 9solid8 +2, shimapandaa +3, vicky151 +5, and 16 more...
Posted on 27 January 2014, 02:22 by:
LT18 Score
Base +5, J-Eye -6, ibuju -7, meirus -6, A Broken Lamp -6, poep -9, Dark Mac -9, lawl1 -11, CaptainKuro -6, iamclu +6, Rosen14 -5, plester -4, Anonimuel -9, and 2 more...
Base +6, 20200 -26, A Broken Lamp -6, CaptainKuro -6, iamclu +6, Rosen14 -5, plester -4, DreamerZero -6, john34404 +7, subbesnubben -6, LordPants -5, FeelTD +6, JMash +4, and 22 more...
Posted on 27 January 2014, 06:05 by:
fox3 Score
Base +12, Hairs Fan +48, DonPain +2, heh...narto +5, Sealener48 +6, AccelCrow +12, 20200 +26, Kaos Machina +6, shimapandaa +3, vicky151 +5, Archiepiscopus +6, Desuw +3, Vezirw +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 29 January 2014, 02:44 by:
40% Score
Base +6, e6000 +6, Xylaph +6, heh...narto +5, 20200 +26, 9solid8 +2, shimapandaa +3, vicky151 +5, subbesnubben +6, Desuw +3, Vezirw +6, Antix Shadows -6, Yungnignog +4, and 8 more...
Posted on 29 January 2014, 21:27 by:
George642 Score
Base +7, 20200 +26, Vezirw +5, subbesnubben +6, Funyaa +5, kaerFlanA +5, malikski +6, qewston -6, TommyTime +6, Alien3-0C +6
Base +6, fclo4 -5, 20200 +26, xDraygon +4, Toastkoro +7, lamah +6, heh...narto +5, R.J. -7, nablandian +9, Archiepiscopus +6, cowboybepop +6, malikski +4, Gil T. Pleizure -6, and 8 more...
Base +6, uzaidi +5, 20200 +26, shimapandaa +3, Vezirw +5, subbesnubben +6, Archiepiscopus +6, AloofSloth +8, Cappy123 -6, malikski +6, sopitadocaco +5, speppi +6
Base +6, 20200 +26, heh...narto +5, TJHooker +6, CrocodileIsland +2, Kaos Machina +6, 9solid8 +2, shimapandaa +3, vicky151 +5, iliekmudkips +7, subbesnubben +6, nablandian +9, FeelTD -6, and 36 more...
Posted on 11 February 2014, 22:08 by:
thivus Score
Base +3, 20200 +26, shimapandaa +3, subbesnubben +6, FeelTD -6, Xerxis -8, somercet +7, kikones34 +6, Vezirw +6, sopitadocaco +5
Posted on 31 March 2014, 01:47 by:
Luffy225 Score
Base +5, 20200 -26, plester -4, CaptainKuro -6, Vezirw -5, DreamerZero -6, subbesnubben -6, LordPants -5, slimedog -9, Palaxius +33, LittleCa -5, Anozirus -6, 123ostmaster -6, and 9 more...
Posted on 23 April 2014, 06:13 by:
Hyoros Score
Base +5, 20200 -26, lime148 +7, DreamerZero -6, subbesnubben -6, nablandian -9, FeelTD +6, VonMike +6, Gunnal +6, Vezirw -6, slimedog -9, Xerxis -8, Antix Shadows +6, and 5 more...
Posted on 24 April 2014, 09:16 by:
Yawndere Score
Base +5, 20200 -26, ilmbgf +6, cavloy -7, subbesnubben -6, nablandian -9, FeelTD +6, waltergeist -7, malikski +4, Xerxis +8, Antix Shadows +6, Kageryushin +9, Yungnignog +4, and 8 more...
Posted on 11 May 2014, 12:50 by:
EcksyDee Score
Base +6, Jack735 +5, shimapandaa -3, vicky151 -5, iamclu +6, onlyshallow +3, FeelTD +6, Okenido -6, Dark Mac -10, abuchino -6, Millennium Blade -6, cowboybepop -6, Dentik -7, and 18 more...
Posted on 30 June 2014, 18:31 by:
Seiguld Score
Base +7, FeelTD +6, Okenido -6, AloofSloth -8, Vezirw -6, cowboybepop +6, Antix Shadows +6, Anonimuel -9, Yungnignog +4, Anozirus -6, malikski +6, aleden -11, Benny-boy -29, and 3 more...
Base +1, Vezirw +5, subbesnubben +6, FeelTD +6, Okenido +6, lansquenete +8, onlyregistere -12, Ost666 +5, Yungnignog -4, malikski +6, Bedbin +4, qewston -6
Base +7, Vezirw +6, bujisu -5, FeelTD -6, pizzapicante27 +6, Kageryushin -5, Gunnal -6, forsaken846 +6, Xerxis -8, Yungnignog +4, Cappy123 -6, aleden +8, qewston -6, and 4 more...
Posted on 10 April 2015, 16:32 by:
anonann8 Score
Base +8, cowboybepop +6, Vezirw +6, malikski +4, Kageryushin +9, Ost666 +5, aleden +8, qewston -6
Posted on 05 August 2015, 18:31 by:
nitropop Score
Last edited on 05 August 2015, 19:27.
Base +6, Gunnal +6, Vezirw +6, demonwtf +6, Ost666 +5, Yungnignog +4, seba5609 +3, malikski +5, Cappy123 +6, Turlessjk -6, Bedbin +4, Rglass +6, qewston +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 26 December 2015, 00:03 by:
Pumpking Score
Base +6, Vezirw +6, qewston -6, Void161 -5
Posted on 19 March 2016, 05:01 by:
LokisArt Score
Base +6, Kageryushin -9, Sporelittle -5, bno112300 -6, Anonimuel -9, Yungnignog -4, seba5609 -3, Cappy123 -6, Turlessjk +6, memeboy333 -5, aleden +12, qewston -6, sopitadocaco +5, and 4 more...
Posted on 08 August 2016, 09:38 by:
Kony Score
Base +6, Vezirw +6, Ost666 +6, sopitadocaco +5
Base +8, aleden +12, Ost666 +6, Vezirw +6
Base +40, Bedbin +4, somercet +7, Unst99 +6, Vezirw +6, AGoodTime +8, Illuminati81 +6
Posted on 19 June 2019, 21:08 by:
MarvN Score
Base +5, Vezirw +6, Illuminati81 +6
Base +7, Vezirw +6, Illuminati81 +6, KidA111 +5, Haborym -8
Base +6, sopitadocaco +5, GoldLance +6, Alien3-0C +6