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(C85) [G-Panda (Midoh Tsukasa)] Shiro Kuro Jima GOLD (DEAD or ALIVE) [English]

(C85) [Gぱんだ (御堂つかさ)] 白黒島金 (デッド・オア・アライブ) [英訳]

Posted:2014-02-01 00:14
Language:English  TR
File Size:34.60 MiB
Length:16 pages
Favorited:402 times
Average: 4.69

Showing 1 - 16 of 16 images

Posted on 01 February 2014, 00:14 by:   chaos-x    PM
Uploader Comment
Update: Thanks to Shadow_moon for pointing out my mistakes and helping me. I went and corrected the mistranslations. Also, I'm halfway through with translating the other recent G-P book, so you can expect that one soon. Sorry for screwing up.
Posted on 29 January 2014, 19:22 by:   laaronadnxl    PM
Score +172
Dear Chaos-x,
You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
Thank you.
Posted on 30 January 2014, 05:59 by:   Trundle    PM
Score +7
Good lord. Thanks for replacing Laruffi's translation of this. I don't even bother commenting on his galleries anymore, last time I said anything negative, I was ironically downvoted into oblivion.
@Shadow moon It has less to do with his translation abilities and more to do with his sniping of claimed untranslated doujins and the flagrant abusal of the rating system that takes place. Positive or negative the first comments that go down on his translations always seem to be destroyed in rating which seems a little odd.
Posted on 29 January 2014, 19:38 by:   shs4    PM
Score +18
thank you SO MUCH for this. its good to have someone put in the work that a doujin this great deserves
Posted on 29 January 2014, 19:40 by:   Axl666    PM
Score +90
Lisa. Thank god.
Posted on 29 January 2014, 20:06 by:   DarKDragonite    PM
Score -77
@Trundle; Me too when i commented about laruffi on Abarenbow Tengu's doujin. He's really trying to do damage control on his reputation. To the point where i think he has diffrent accounts, and hired people to downvote anyone who calls him out on his bullshit. Moderators, please kick this scam artist out of the website!(My comment is in the hidden comments tab.) /g/669598/4e425b5562/?hc=1#comments
Posted on 29 January 2014, 20:20 by:   anon1234    PM
Score +22
Glasses on, glasses off.
Posted on 29 January 2014, 21:25 by:   drunkprophet    PM
Score +19
You're doing God's work, thank you.
Posted on 29 January 2014, 22:25 by:   15507    PM
Score +20
Do more translations please
Posted on 01 February 2014, 21:24 by:   shadow_moon    PM
Score +455
Update: As stated by chaos-x, this release was improved and thus the comparison bit of my comment is out of date regarding this particular release. Still, the last part remains.

I normally wouldn't bother bugging in this kind of discussion, but seeing how it'll probably turn out with lots of people praising this release and completely disregarding Laruffi's release (without even comparing both or even reading the other), I decided to do a run-through through some pages of both releases, adding my own notes about some parts.
The first line is the original, so anyone can copy it and try on whatever online translator of choice to check if you choose to (though it's not always advised). The second line is how it was translated in this (by chaos-x I guess) release and the third line is how it was translated in Laruffi's release.
I won't go through all pages, but I can if there's enough demand (send requests via PM).

Page 3

All right!
All right!

We win again
We won again.

Ahh...Zack, this is all your fault!
Aaah...This is your fault, Zack!

Eehh! M-Me!?

You promised you'd run some errands for us.
Well, as promised, you gotta do some errands for us.

Bring me beer
I want a beer, ok.


Personal comments: Both translations are really close. The line 約束どおりパシリの計ね。, should be understood as "As we decided before, the losers should go do errands for the winners". Both translations are close and works, though with a slight difference in meaning, imho.

Page 4

Hey Risa


Let me rub some oil on you
Let me smear some lotion for you.


Please, let me.

Personal note: オイル is the Japanese for "oil". I mean, literally, it's "oil" said with Japanese characters only and transliterates to "oiru". Do you use oil or lotion when you're at the beach?
The line "ええ。。。" is Lisa's line and she's pretty much muttering "ee..." in a doubtful way because of the request. Translating it as "Yeah..." doesn't sound right.

Edit: @sypha Here, I'm really asking whether one uses "oil" or "lotion" at the beach, as I'm not really sure whether there's a difference in meaning for these words in English for this specific usage.

Page 5
This isn't
Wow. How rare of you...-

Offering to help out like this
To offer me a service like this

Yeah, of course it is

But I'm not doing this for free
But this service is not free, you know.

Ahh...hey, what are you?


Fu fu...well,

Let's enjoy this
You don't mind it, do you?

Personal note:
The two first lines are complementary. It should be read as "珍しいわね。。。アナタが自分からサービスするなんて" and means "How offering to do/doing a service of your own will".
The next two lines are also complementary and should be read as "もちろんタダじゃないさw" and means "Of course it's not for free".
The last two lines are Lisa's and can be read together too. "フフ。。。まぁイイけど", meaning "Fufu...well, I don't mind (you spreading oil/lotion on me even if it's not for free)".

Page 6



Hold on

I need to thoroughly rub your whole body
I gotta rub your whole body thoroughly.

There's a lot of people...NNH

Are...people here...
Around here...

So what?

We might be seen...Chiyauu
They could see us...


Sound nice, let's let them watch
Oh that sound nice, why not let them watch us,

MNN More...
NNH, Sheesh...

Personal note:
The line "見られ。。。ちゃうぅ" was translated as "We might be seen...Chiyauu" in this release. It's correct, though the "Chiyauu" is completely wrong. It shouldn't be there because it's part of the verb "to see". [note for the translator: 見られ。。。ちゃうぅ = 見られちゃう]
The line "いいじゃん見させておけば" I'd translate as "Isn't it fine? Letting them seeing (us)"
The line "んんっもうっ。。。" translating to "MNN More..."? is also incorrect. "もう" here is used as an interjection, not as a noun.

Page 8
Hey, you two have left me out of all the fun
Hey, you two have gone ahead and fucking without me.

That's not fair!

Hey now, I wanna join too
Hey, come on, let me join the fun too.

Fufu Go ahead
Fu fu, alright, that sound nice, right?

I've heard rumors about Lisa having an amazing cock
I heard rumour said Lisa got a secret amazing cock.

Turns out they were right
So that rumour is true, huh.

This is so naughty...
Ahh this is so dirty...


Let's give her the gold&silver blowjob
Let's give her the gold & silver haired bitches fellatio.


Personal notes:
The expression "抜け駆け" from the first line "二人で抜け駆けHしてるー" can be translated to the expression "steal a march on". So the phrase can be understood as "You two are having sex before me." with "before" as a preposition of time.
The 5th and 6th lines are complementary too and should be read as "リサがスゴイもの持ってるってウワサ...本当だったのね". Here Tina is mentioning a rumor about Lisa having something amazing and ending the phrase confirming the rumour. A translation could be "About the rumor that Lisa bears something true after all" with the ellipsis marking the separation of the bubbles.
The second to last phrase "金銀Wフェラといこうか", there's no mention of "bitches".

Page 9

Having the two of you do this
Ooh, damn. You two-

It feels amazing...
Are really good at sucking it...

Her cock is twitching
Hu hu, her cock is shaking

Just look at how excited she got
Look, her cock got excited here

Looks like I have too...
Ahh, somehow I think I'm...

I've gotten wet...MN
I'm getting wet...NMMN

フフ。。。欲しがり屋さんね でも、 もっともっと
Fufu...If you want it that much, then we'll give you even more
Huhuhu...You're such a demanding one but we still got more to do, you know.

We'll gladly help you out
We gotta make sure to give her more service.

I can't keep up...
I guess I can't do it anymore...

Personal note: Both got this page really wrong, but the one in this gallery has more mistakes.
Second and third phrases are complementary, reads "二人ともとってもしゃぶり上手いね" and means "You two are really good at sucking". So translating this to "Having the two of you do this" "It feels amazing..." is too much of a stretch IMHO.
The line "こっちもコーフンしちゃうわ" which both translated to something like "she/her cock getting excited" is wrong. This is either Tina or Christie saying that she (the one who's saying) is getting excited (by sucking Lisa's cock).
The next two lines are also complementary, reads "あたしもなんだか。。。濡れてきちゃった。。。ん" and is the other girl saying "Me too, I'm...getting wet...hng". In other words, here we have both Tina and Christie saying that they're both getting excited by just sucking Lisa's cock.
The last three lines are Lisa's and are all complementary.
Reads "フフ。。。欲しがり屋さんね でも、 もっともっと ご奉仕してくれなきゃ あげないわ。。。よ" and means "'re such beggars. But if you don't serve me a lot more, I won't give it to you." In other words, Lisa is just saying that the girls' indirect attempts to have Lisa using her cock on them won't work and that they have to please her more before that happening. For bubbles division, "'re such beggars." goes in the first one, "But if you don't serve me a lot more," goes in the second one and "I won't give it to you." goes in the last one.

In all fairness, this translation is not, in any way, superior to the one provided by Reimstein (from Laruffi). There are mistakes in both translations, there are some lines that were better translated in this release, there are other lines that were better translated in Laruffi's release.
This release lacks a lot of punctuation at the end of the bubbles too and, imho, the font used is more often than not too large.
This release is superior in the sense that it was not downsized and there're not multiple watermarks.

I know there are a lot of people here who hates Laruffi's releases and there probably are a lot who downvote their galleries without even checking it. Truth be told, it's Laruffi's fault because of how bad their releases were and how they blatantly ignored feedbacks. I didn't check their other recent releases so I can't say anything about their overall, but it may be wise to give their releases a shot keeping your prejudices aside before deciding whether to bash them or not. As some people noticed, "Naruto doujin by D-M and Laruffi's are kiiiiiind of similar" (source: This could mean a lot of things, but among the options, is the one where their quality improved (of translation, not edition, as they now appear to have started doing the opposite of what they did before, down-scaling every release instead of up-scaling).
Posted on 30 January 2014, 01:24 by:   sypha    PM
Score +49
@shadow_moon - Just a thing, because it irrationally bothered me, for some reason. Oil and Lotion are both equally correct in the english language, if you were implying otherwise(I could not tell for certain, but it read as if you were.) Coconut Oil, for example, is quite popular. Technically, it would break down more if the purpose is for tanning or sunblock, but in common use, both are the same.
Posted on 30 January 2014, 05:28 by:   merrick13    PM
Score +63
@shadow Moon
Thank you very much for taking the time and effort and go to this length to explain this, and it confirms what i thought all along, that laruffii's problem is not translating from Japanese per-se but that he does not have anybody that it's fluent in English.
to me it always felt like translations that were done from one translator to another without real dominance of one language or the other, but regardless i always took my time to read the work before i made up my mind and i never really understood this barrage of attacks from people that just like you said, never even bothered to open and read the galleries.
i have no love for laruffii, but i don't have any hate for him either and i think that if he gets an actual english speaking person on his staff....
if you are seeing this just get somebody that actually speaks English on your staff,Pronto!!
Posted on 01 February 2014, 01:00 by:   hihohahi    PM
Score +26
first time seeing someone post the whole script in comments.
Posted on 02 February 2014, 00:47 by:   Maryu    PM
Score +9
Voy a buscar este material en Sub Esp mis camaradas. La mayoria de las parodias de Dead or Alve que conozco son muy buenas. Gracias.
Posted on 10 April 2014, 05:46 by:   bigboy100000    PM
Score +12
awesome to see this book transalted

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