Posted on 23 December 2013, 21:26 by:
Furujiru Score
Base +9, padmouse -8, X-Buster +16, Jram -14, Dest -11, DDRmails +4, Jisatu -6, Person8 -7, Harrason -7, mrweezyer -7, crazymagic -9, minato1 -6, monstarkook -6, and 17 more...
Posted on 27 December 2013, 11:01 by:
腹パンチ Score
Base +6, Masterzero +8, neoeccel +5, Jisatu +6, Person8 +7, Neklin -7, licher +8, Harrason +7, monstarkook +6, Otiropas77 +7, r-exion +7, draconian196 +9, yoyo546 +21, and 26 more...
Base +9, minato1 -6, corruptedemptyness66 +3, Kayzor -6, Bahamute -15, fine17 +6, Captian Katsura +7, paulogabbi -7
Posted on 14 January 2014, 05:31 by:
emp100k Score
Base +6, corruptedemptyness66 +3, Kayzor +6