Posted on 09 March 2014, 05:22 by:
The Mike Score
Base +6, MaxMach +7, lastcorn +6, mellowjello +7, Neonmane +7, Bobo6489 +1, amurec80 +6
Base +6, MaxMach +7, mellowjello +7, Geri001 +6, tracingthelines +7, satouame +5, amurec80 +6, deadaccount426153 +5
Posted on 09 March 2014, 06:09 by:
Loccsta Score
Base +5, tracingthelines -7, amurec80 +6
Base +7, yellow-chan +5, UnknowDestroyer +5, kozmyn +6, Dreann +5, IvanZ +5, anonywhat +1, Owyn +16, assmanic32 +5, Sorena +6, heliogabalos666 +5, pond39267 +6, ChainsOfVengence +8, and 5 more...
Base +6, tracingthelines -7, travelingbird +2
Base +6, moonflow +36, IvanZ +5, anonywhat +1, Owyn +16, paperfan +6, hacklol +4, assmanic32 +5, yakuri +6, mellowjello +7, tracingthelines -7, satouame +5, Megaton +7, and 11 more...
Base +7, tracingthelines +7, Riyu1940 +6, amurec80 +6
Base +8, tracingthelines -7, r3z -4, Neonmane -7, amurec80 +6, over4darkness +12
Posted on 16 November 2014, 03:36 by:
Maryu Score
Base +6, Neonmane -7