Posted on 12 March 2014, 09:38 by:
Zuan Base +7, Binglo -52, Qmannn -7, tracingthelines +7, Pillowgirl -17, Denjiro -10, crazymagic -12
Base +5, Gaara29 +7, MechWarriorNY +6, meikhda +2, NRK +4, manon +6, Konola +7, Polonte +11
Posted on 12 March 2014, 11:26 by:
Mutsume Score
Base +6, ramaboy28 +1, Ooe Kintarou +4, fap222222 +6
Posted on 12 March 2014, 11:51 by:
krim1 Score
Base +6, HAz4rd +5, TheRapture +7, Nexev +7, hacklol +4, Gaara29 +7, mojomunkeez +10, Elementxj +5, Chained +6, BleachD007 +5, rae_rae +4, maxelvi-san +7, Anonyslime +7, and 34 more...
Posted on 12 March 2014, 12:34 by:
Soluc Score
Base +6, Gaara29 +7, mojomunkeez +10, MechWarriorNY +6, CheezyBun +5, tracingthelines +7, Deathscythe008 +5, EmpressHarribel +6, yukkurikeeper +6, NRK +4, Blaszak +9, sameo15 +4, Hyoros +6, and 4 more...
Posted on 12 March 2014, 12:45 by:
SCSS Score
Base +13, rev112 +7, meikhda +2, VanMike +6
Base +7, Gaara29 +7, mojomunkeez +10, Chained +6, Krugger +6, CheezyBun +5, LaviRoux +6, primeemu16 +6, Blaszak +9, Ooe Kintarou +4, Ezzezze +4, as102 +9, manon +6
Base +6, ScorchingFlames -6, tracingthelines +7, meikhda +2
Base +6, quandox +6, adlimori +10, MechWarriorNY +6, CheezyBun +5, Moojuice +6, Sorena +6, LaviRoux +6, tracingthelines +7, Chained +6, primeemu16 +6, IvanZ +6, rex22mm +4, and 13 more...
Base +13, rev112 +7, MechWarriorNY +6, meikhda +2, Ezzezze +4
Base +4, lain9 +3, meikhda +2, Ezzezze +4, Moojuice +7
Posted on 13 March 2014, 05:13 by:
Guyy2 Score
Base +5, meikhda +2, KrystalKross23 +4, Ezzezze +4, manon +6, Konola +7
Base +9, Ezzezze +4, manon +6
Posted on 21 March 2014, 23:51 by:
Aspada Score
Base +6, ferongr -6, Zemyih +5, Ezzezze +4
Base +6, sameo15 +4, Ooe Kintarou +4, Spyderslicer +8, Ezzezze +4, Konola +7, mrsaturn2 +6, keihirotan +7, niklashg +7, renge +9, fap222222 +6, InvisibleProvidence +6
Posted on 16 May 2015, 04:23 by:
Retado Score
Base +11, edtangell +9, eric b +1, hcxangel +8, sameo15 +4, Ooe Kintarou +4, Spyderslicer +8, Ezzezze +4, Konola +7, keihirotan +7, renge +9, longn4 +6
Base +6, meikhda +6, sameo15 +5, Ezzezze +4, manon +6, Konola +7, keihirotan +7