Posted on 18 March 2014, 08:50 by:
sgthale Score
Base +9, Ashi17 +8, Victor DoUrden +12
Posted on 18 March 2014, 09:31 by:
Xelgadis Score
Base +5, GelOKS +5, DCH268 +6, Ashi17 +8, Huoratron +7, kakolukio +6, rising11 +6, horror6 +6, catdrag0n +13, Christianomanu +7, I am Antw0n +6, Silvie +19, cAntW0 +10, and 38 more...
Posted on 18 March 2014, 09:38 by:
sike69 Score
Base +8, GelOKS +5, Ashi17 +8, Huoratron +7, catdrag0n -13, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, manoflast3 +8, lastcorn +6, Riyin +6, Anony12788 +9, hardcorewoop +5, celltf +5, Lakota +7, and 8 more...
Posted on 18 March 2014, 09:48 by:
pihip Score
Base +6, GelOKS +5, Ashi17 +8, skeksis +6, kupueshka +4, Xavier Blitz +6, kakolukio +6, rising11 +6, Red_Vodka +11, catdrag0n +13, Daemor_drow +8, Refon_S +9, Christianomanu +7, and 32 more...
Base +6, Xavier Blitz +6, rising11 +6, Refon_S +9, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, Fluffforgets +2, Deathscythe52 +6, liberius +6, Palaxius +30, Zero225 +7, Riyin +6, Silvie +19, sockmans +6, and 10 more...
Base +6, skeksis -6, jker209 +5, catdrag0n -13, 20200 -26, Donn -7, ElementFD -19, Palaxius +31, AnimeLUZ +7, waltergeist -8, Victor DoUrden -12, Anime Dominator -8, Hyoros -14
Base +6, catdrag0n +13, ZXL777 +7, Refon_S +9, xLucia~ +5, Anime Dominator +8
Base +7, Beane +7, Anony12788 +9, Megaton +7, Anonyslime +7, xLucia~ +5, Anime Dominator +8, Ggmdark +6, as102 +9, Crimsoncharcoal +6
Base +6, rjmacx +5, Anime Dominator +8
Posted on 18 March 2014, 21:00 by:
Loccsta Score
Base +5, ElementFD -19, Shades of Blue -5, Zero225 +7, tobageigy -6, AnimeLUZ -6, waltergeist -8, Victor DoUrden -12, Anime Dominator +8, udizzle +6, persona20 -2, Hyoros -7
Base +7, nolol111 -6, tobageigy +6, Anime Dominator +8, SCRUBKILLA +6, Hyoros +7, GilliaBuster +6
Base +6, Palaxius -30, AnimeLUZ -7, waltergeist -8, Victor DoUrden +12, Anime Dominator +8, Hyoros -7
Base +4, Palaxius -30, AnimeLUZ -7, waltergeist -8, Victor DoUrden +12, Anime Dominator +8, Crimsoncharcoal +6, Hyoros -14
Base +3, Victor DoUrden -12, Hyoros -14
Base +6, Victor DoUrden -12
Base +6, Nivama +5, AnimeLUZ +8, Victor DoUrden -12, Anime Dominator +8, Crimsoncharcoal +6
Posted on 31 March 2015, 04:31 by:
Aspada Score
Base +6, ArdentCenser -4, Chojiin -6, rr607 -6