Base +5, Grimdark Cucumber -6, subbesnubben -6, TheaterDream8 -3, IXRoxasXI -6, Turok6 +6, anon762 -5, EbenOccifer +6, JustANoobs -9, Sheras +7, icecream1012 +7, Everlast99 -1, taishi28012 +7
Base +2, walk -8, Huehue2 -7, subbesnubben -6, TheaterDream8 -3, donek -5, IXRoxasXI -6, HonorableShogun -5, ssringo -7, Boomerpyr0 -5, Pnr10E5 -4, absolugom -7, JustANoobs -9, and 3 more...
Posted on 02 April 2014, 18:51 by:
etothex Score
Base +31, Boomerpyr0 +5, JustANoobs +9, kusylit -3
Posted on 05 April 2014, 05:24 by:
anonann8 Score
Base +8, Meowmux -6
Posted on 09 May 2014, 08:03 by:
Base +8, sissam +4, Aldalome +6, ManlyMustacheMan +6, suratkabar +4, marched +8, ber17 +7, TeslaBizarre +6, How Do I Panda +6, XY17721374715@126 +1
Posted on 03 July 2015, 17:04 by:
elgringo Score
Base +33, marched +8, titswifter +9, QR7A +6
Base +8, Slayyer70 -7, PaizuriFan524 +1, Fakeplastic -6, Bab The Great -2, Kyrie8 +6, ssringo +7, Thisandstuff +6, rawrimabear +6, weegeetoast -6, AtomicNoodles +7, titswifter -9, kanashiikage -6, and 21 more...
Posted on 07 November 2016, 20:17 by:
AkaiKurai Score
Base +7, kanashiikage +6, Kageryushin +9, jorge tavani +6, @Spicy +6