I just dont get the whole Hetalia axis thing, the stories and dialog always are so confusing and hard to follow and very uncomfortable to read half the time I have no idea what they are meaning. I dont know if its the translation to English and who does it doesnt know how to smooth out the translation to make the story flow better. It might be a writing thing. Oh well I did like the lingerie the artist put America in on page 15. but that's about it, the images always seem edited to close up to. I guess I dont like these characters either.
Base +4, Chaos is Love -6, albricu -5, HiDefAmp -5, readmanthepaper +4, Bamboosuled -1, bobfrank1991 +1, Mr Pinocchio -5, 野生的水牛 -3, houpandanya -6, 三十er -6, xuxing0503 -5