Base +4, kusanagi177 -7, supermegachicken +5, arifax +7, bggm -17, AntiShisno -5, Dark_Plague -6, Britannia991 -4, abuali -7, Chinro -6, buzzsaw5k -8, Mr. Orange -6, SuperWeeGee -6, and 12 more...
Base +7, kusanagi177 +7, bggm +17, Ney-2000 +7, HentaiM@ster +5, abuali +7, Mauser +15, kinoshita_tokichiro +6, Crystalium +5, Moof22 +6, lavajava12 +5, mooplololol +6, OlorinTheWise +4, and 61 more...
Posted on 02 April 2014, 02:14 by:
Opsblops Score
Base +6, Ney-2000 +7, bggm +17, HentaiM@ster +5, abuali +7, fireburst7 +5, LikewiseLikewise +6, BFBK +2, ZeN69 +7, Shades of Blue +5, Biladsan +14, fidazzle +8, shuntensatsu +10, and 19 more...
Base +9, abuali +7, Kadax +7, Shades of Blue +5, fidazzle +8, oneiwonder +5, MechWarriorNY +6, mojomunkeez +10, TB26 +7
Base +15, abuali +7, Shades of Blue +5, fidazzle +8, oneiwonder +5, sandyface +7, yappers +7, mojomunkeez +10, Imsolo +6
Posted on 01 April 2014, 02:40 by:
freudia Score
Base +24, Mauser +15, Shades of Blue +5, fidazzle +8, sandyface +7, ziom236 +7, Anonyslime +7, mojomunkeez +10, Imsolo +6
Posted on 01 April 2014, 02:49 by:
CDub7888 Score
Base +7, oneiwonder +5, lavajava12 +5
Posted on 01 April 2014, 03:18 by:
wavedash Score
Base +7, Luke78 -9, Imsolo -6, Bulopu -16, KingLego +5
Posted on 01 April 2014, 03:39 by:
Ryo75 Score
Base +10, Shades of Blue +5
Posted on 01 April 2014, 04:07 by:
MR MAN Score
Base +7, Imsolo +6
Base +9, Shades of Blue +5, swaim +6, mojomunkeez +10, NoWait2006 +6
Base +6, Shades of Blue +5, oneiwonder +5, abuali +7, kikimaru024 +10, faytT +8, mojomunkeez +10, Imsolo +6
Posted on 01 April 2014, 04:39 by:
TG23 Score
Base +11, ZeN69 +7, Shades of Blue +5, fidazzle +8, oneiwonder +5, sandyface +7, abuali +7, Anonyslime +7, kikimaru024 +10, faytT +8, mojomunkeez +10, BartSSJ +7, Neopheonix0 +6, and 3 more...
Base +8, Shades of Blue +5, kikimaru024 +10, mojomunkeez +10, Enkerro +5, Imsolo +6
Base +6, Shades of Blue +5, Ristelle +8, Imsolo +6
Base +7, oneiwonder +5, Anime Janai +11, Imsolo +6
Base +6, oneiwonder +5, Imsolo +6
Posted on 01 April 2014, 10:01 by:
Chimpzy Score
Base +10, MrDikington +2, kikimaru024 +10, mojomunkeez +10, user00 +7, Anime Janai +11, Imsolo +6
Base +6, Granten +7, undersizeskate +6, kusanagi177 -7, Kantzakolt -6, SCSS -13, LOLIBOX -8, n0sh -6, Axl666 -7, yasew -8, oneiwonder -5, scarletllama -3, SomeLazyDouche -7, and 2 more...
Base +4, Murderbot +8, kikimaru024 +10
Posted on 01 April 2014, 21:21 by:
azrin Score
Base +7, Imsolo +6
Base +6, Huy +6, Imsolo +6
Posted on 08 August 2015, 15:23 by:
Brunoxsa Score
Base +6