Posted on 17 April 2014, 23:53 by:
nainodel Posted on 18 April 2014, 02:01 by:
Lucine Score
Base +6, Ser Maggot +8, chero666 +6, Treia +17, yellow-chan +5, smok3dcheese +5, Nomake Wan +8, V1988 +6, stupid army +6, Darkhope +5, Yumeni +4, DCH268 +6, bagiaaa +9, and 197 more...
Base +6, Leverist +6, Darkhope +5, Neopheonix0 +5, Kayra +6, Palaxius -32, james_stark -2, ufoflash +6, JohnyXD -11, xellos123 -6, JahvaM -3, The_Shadow +6, Shinko.Aelith +13, and 12 more...
Posted on 18 April 2014, 02:25 by:
Mr. J4ck Score
Base +4, Kayra +6, liberius +6, leoshowers +6, Brego1 +6, Palaxius -32, ufoflash +6, waltergeist +8, JohnyXD +11, ExManslayer +5, Shinko.Aelith +13, GGS +10, Faulks +7, and 14 more...
Base +15, Yumeni +4, DCH268 +6, gaogaodino +6, SCSS +13, Kayra +6, liberius +6, Demoni +7, Nekitty +5, Silvie +21, patokite91 +7, silentrunner +7, mumei-chan +13, and 44 more...
Base +6, chiricocuvie +4, rogosk +6, Ryougi +8, liberius +6, patokite91 +7, The Naughty Shrink +6, UnknowDestroyer +6, yammarick +6, Bulopu +10, aliolisasha +2, randomdude96 +2, AvalonSummit +8, and 33 more...
Base +10, loliloliloliloliloli +6, The Inker -8
Base +6, Palaxius -32, waltergeist -7, JohnyXD -11, JahvaM -3, Shinko.Aelith +13, El Monsieur +5, GGS +10, Viktorious +6, Hyoros -9, Kreel +6
Base +1, Kayra +6, FutanariToyBoy +2, loliloliloliloliloli -6, Shinko.Aelith +13, El Monsieur +5, GGS +10, HelmutRegner +6, Braltewrakcus +9, DesRed +6, MarklesMcReedleston +5, Lunarry +6
Base +8, Palaxius -32, JohnyXD -11, JahvaM -3, Shinko.Aelith +13, Higaide42 +4, El Monsieur +5, Ser Maggot +14, GGS +10, inkarian21 +6, Murra +7, anonkun123456 +5, Kreel +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 18 April 2014, 07:07 by:
mijoc Score
Base +8, Brego1 +6, aj_san +9, Palaxius -32, Seiks +5, Viktorious +5, Shinko.Aelith +13, El Monsieur +5, GGS +10, Dima979 +6, Kreel +6, TomServo89 +6, anonkun123456 +6
Posted on 18 April 2014, 08:05 by:
Edax Score
Base +6, Kayra +6, liberius +6, patokite91 +7, Yumeni +4, liny +6, mumei-chan +13, yammarick +6, ichikku +14, Darkhope +5, mephitos +6, Khanalas +6, Kazumi Mitanuma +7, and 47 more...
Base +4, Murra +6, Sentiment +6, liny +6, yammarick +6, lolonaco +4, mekalunia +6, Kazumi Mitanuma +7, randomdude96 +2, Idontlikeusernames +3, Brego1 +6, Palaxius -32, ufoflash +6, and 18 more...
Base +5, Shinko.Aelith +13
Base +5, mephitos +6, Palaxius -32, waltergeist -7, JahvaM -3, Shinko.Aelith +13, El Monsieur +5, SkitZoFrenic -10, GGS +10, Hyoros -9, xjaja0 +7, Razeroc +6, Kreel +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 18 April 2014, 15:01 by:
MadDan Score
Base +3, sheruu +5, Palaxius -32, waltergeist -7, JahvaM -3, Shinko.Aelith +13, Sissyphus +4, GGS +10, thatguybro -6, Hyoros -9, xjaja0 +7, Razeroc +6, Kreel +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 18 April 2014, 15:58 by:
DregDreg Score
Base +7, Brego1 +6, Seiks +5, waltergeist +7, ufoflash +6, digifan yaoi +7, Shinko.Aelith +13, Only Human +6, karavanrob +8, foxdragon009 +8, Dinosars +6, GGS +10, Th3 Sl0th +6, and 5 more...
Posted on 18 April 2014, 22:42 by:
TLM1986 Score
Base +6, Palaxius -32, JahvaM -3, Shinko.Aelith +13, GGS +10, Higaide42 +5, Hyoros -9, xjaja0 +7, Kreel +6
Base +6, Khanalas +6, Palaxius -32, Luke78 +9, digifan yaoi +7, JahvaM -3, loliloliloliloliloli -6, Shinko.Aelith +13, El Monsieur +5, Higaide42 +5, GGS +10, Murra +7, Kreel +6, and 6 more...
Base +3, apotropaic -5, Hunter Nightblood -6, shadowkazumanic -6, JahvaM -3, Shinko.Aelith +13, thecronosone +6, Murra +7, TomServo89 +6
Base +6, Palaxius -32, Heets -2, slappydude +5, waltergeist -8, JahvaM -3, Shinko.Aelith +13, GGS +10, thecronosone +6, happygay -7, xjaja0 +7, Kreel +6
Posted on 21 April 2014, 18:41 by:
ExZon Score
Base +5, EphantMon +5, HXW +7, VanillaFetish +6, tomfranks +5, Brego1 +6, aj_san +9, Palaxius -32, crackee +5, Heets +2, mobsters +7, ufoflash +6, taromilkshake +5, and 8 more...
Posted on 22 April 2014, 22:47 by:
Pronuser Score
Base +9, Shinko.Aelith +13, DesRed +6, GGS +10
Base +2, stabbybelkar +7, Palaxius -32, Heets -2, waltergeist -8, Viktorious +5, saiox +6, Shinko.Aelith +13, GGS +10, El Monsieur +5, Higaide42 +5, Braltewrakcus +9, Razeroc +6, and 4 more...
Base +6, Palaxius -32, waltergeist -8, JahvaM -3, Shinko.Aelith +13, GGS +10, El Monsieur +5, hentaiboya +10, Kreel +6
Posted on 26 August 2014, 07:45 by:
Sacriven Score
Base +6, Seiks +5, WarMonger +9, Viktorious +5, Shinko.Aelith +13, Higaide42 +5, El Monsieur +6, GGS +10, TomServo89 +6, DesRed +6, anonkun123456 +6, Manakemia +7, Lunarry +6
Posted on 28 November 2014, 02:08 by:
Kiltias Score
Base +6, WarMonger +9, Viktorious +5, Your_Comrade +5, Shinko.Aelith +13, okuu mind +7, El Monsieur +5, GGS +10, thecronosone +6, Dima979 +6, Refyrsen +10, TomServo89 +6, DesRed +6, and 1 more...
Base +6, Shinko.Aelith +13, El Monsieur +5, Minstrelofmoria +6, GGS +10, Hyoros +9, Dinosars +6, TomServo89 +6, Lapbunny +6, anonkun123456 +6, Manakemia +7, Lunarry +6
Posted on 23 July 2015, 00:39 by:
Zantos Score
Base +6, loliloliloliloliloli -6, The_Shadow -6, Iam Angry -5, GGS +10, wibbler -4, El Monsieur -5, Harzle -11, waltergeist -8, crapfuck -6, aviker -6, Higaide42 -5, Crian -6, and 10 more...
Posted on 28 May 2016, 00:45 by:
nonevah Score
Base +6, chess1212 -2, GGS +10, El Monsieur +6, Hyoros +9, 1986GB +6, Razeroc +6, Braltewrakcus +9, TomServo89 +6, DesRed +6, anonkun123456 +6, Zed_Zed +6, Lunarry +6
Last edited on 07 June 2021, 16:39.
Base +40, anonkun123456 +5, SWNR_J +4
Posted on 30 January 2018, 14:19 by:
Zeniak Score
Base +4, Braltewrakcus +9, GGS +10, TomServo89 +6, DesRed +6, HunterBlackLuna +6, 1986GB +6, El Monsieur +6, Lunarry +6, nikos3194 +6
Posted on 23 March 2018, 13:04 by:
guy146 Score
Base +6, Notetoself42 +6, Braltewrakcus +9, peoner -6, GGS +10, DesRed +6, HunterBlackLuna +6, 1986GB +6, soyfoy -6, Lunarry -6
Base +6, Dinosars -7, daimmo3dma +8, GGS +10, TomServo89 +6, Und3adgam3r +7
Posted on 01 November 2020, 18:45 by:
Windaquer Score
Base +6, Braltewrakcus +10, HunterBlackLuna +6, DesRed +6, Minstrelofmoria +6, Magus X +7, Lunarry +6
Posted on 17 December 2020, 10:53 by:
Anonimuel Score
Base +10, GGS +10, HunterBlackLuna +6, anonkun123456 +6, Braltewrakcus +10, Lunarry +6
Posted on 07 June 2021, 15:23 by:
art_17 Score
Base +6, anonkun123456 +6, 1986GB +6, Braltewrakcus +10, Gdflame +6, DesRed +6, soyfoy +6, Lunarry +6, Zoning9303 +4, SERblY +6, nikos3194 +6
Base +6, Manakemia +7, kiwino +13, Murderbot +10, nikos3194 +6